Thalias Hospitality

Phnom Penh & Leisure: Just a few steps away from Khéma La Poste

We are thrilled to announce that the much-anticipated initiative to make the heart of Phnom Penh pedestrian-friendly has been officially launched! Plans are in place to launch the project early next month, with a view to completion by the end of 2024.  The Khéma La Poste restaurant is directly concerned, as it is planned that the esplanade, designated as Zone 1 by the Phnom Penh municipality, will become pedestrianised. This designated Zone 1 extends from Rue 94 in the north to Rue 106 in the south, and from Rue 13 in the west to Sisowath Quay in the east. This area is set to become a vibrant pedestrian street, promising a mix of culinary delights and shopping. The project is scheduled to start in early May 2024 and is expected to be completed before the 2025 New Year celebrations.  Mr Sam Piseth, Director of Phnom Penh’s Department of Public Works and Transport, has already given a detailed overview of the pedestrian street project, which will be divided into three distinct zones covering a total area of 57 hectares.  The second zone, also destined to become a popular street, is bounded by Rue 106 to the north, Rue 184 to the south, Rue 13 to the west and Sisowath Quay to the east. This zone is going to be a hive of cultural vibrancy and creative expression, with pop-up events and street performances taking place all year round. The third pedestrian zone, which is going to be a leisure area, is bounded by Rue 184 to the north, Boulevard Sihanouk to the south, Rue 07 to the west and Sisowath Quay to the east. This zone is going to be an amazing leisure and relaxation area right in the heart of the city! It’ll have lots of green spaces and recreational activities for everyone to enjoy.  Réserver une table au Khéma La Poste: Subscribe to Thalias Newsletter :     

Yi Sang Tuol Kork – The Garden: authentic luxury and quality

Yi Sang located on boulevard Sothearos is already well-known to lovers of Dim Sum and Cantonese cuisine. Yi Sang – The Garden, created by Cambodian Chef Luu Meng, is in a district that has been undergoing rapid development in recent years. Superb setting  At first glance, you are impressed by the superb setting that has been created to house this establishment. It is an imposing villa, set in spacious grounds. The absence of a perimeter wall gives the building an airy feel, allowing you to fully appreciate the scale of the site. This Tuol Kork establishment, located on Rue 337, is currently the largest of the Tuol Kork restaurants. At the front of the restaurant, facing directly onto the street, there is a small glassed-in annex where, as in Hong Kong, some of those delicious roast ducks and other emblematic pieces of excellent Cantonese rotisserie cuisine are on display. The luxurious decoration of the ground floor room is a delight to the eye. There is also an air-conditioned cellar with some very tempting bottles. The first floor of the villa can be reached via a circular staircase in the centre of the room. At the back of the room, near the open kitchen, there are two sections of wall pierced with aquariums in which fish and seafood are frolicking, sure to tempt food lovers. Menu  The menu offers dishes that are already available in the company’s other establishments, but the emphasis is on aquatic products, as well as a few Cantonese rotisserie delicacies. Although Yi Sang presents itself as offering “contemporary Cantonese cuisine”, chef Luu Meng makes no secret of the fact that he has also drawn inspiration from specialities from the city of Chaozhou (in the same province as Guangzhou) and a few dishes from other Chinese culinary styles.  Cantonese cuisine  As well as a wide range of fish and shellfish, the menu offers several versions of stir-fried rice, including “Cantonese rice” (actually a preparation of stir-fried rice originating from the city of Yangzhou, in the Shanghai region), and a seafood stir-fried rice (prawns, squid, etc.). The menu also features a number of roast meats that are emblematic of Cantonese cuisine: in addition to the famous roast duck, with its crispy skin and flavoursome flesh, there is also pork belly in lacquer, and the very famous ‘cha shao’ (or ‘char siu’, thinly sliced pork belly roasted in honey, which can be eaten with a dipping sauce of soy sauce, minced garlic and, for the more adventurous, chopped chilli).  Vegetables  Vegetables are not to be overlooked either. In Canton and Hong Kong, vegetables are often sautéed plain or with minced garlic, or even with oyster sauce.  But many enlightened connoisseurs appreciate vegetables ‘au bouillon’: the greens are simply blanched and arranged in a soup dish, garnished with chopped ham and salted cane egg, fried whole garlic cloves and finely diced hundred-year-old egg, then drizzled with a rich poultry stock.  Product selection  Particular attention is clearly paid to product selection. In one of the wall-mounted aquariums, for example, we were able to admire superb examples of marble gobies (“trei damrei”, or “elephant fish”), a freshwater fish with uncommonly fine flesh.  Marble gobies of this size (around one kilogram) are rare on the markets in Phnom Penh. Steamed ‘Chinese style’, i.e. marinated in rice wine and sesame oil, accompanied by fresh ginger and chives cut into very fine threads and drizzled with a soy sauce specially seasoned to accompany steamed fish, elephant fish leaves an indelible impression on the taste buds.  Service  The service is on a par with the luxury that defines the interior design: efficient, discreet, fast and multilingual! Many Cambodian restaurants would do well to take inspiration from this. All in all, Yi Sang Tuol Kork is high up in the hierarchy of restaurants in the Cambodian capital. The elegance of the place, the rigorous selection of ingredients, the expertise of the cuisine and the quality of the service undoubtedly justify the price tag.  Subscribe to Thalias Newsletter : To book your table: Author: Pascal Médeville   

C’est Délicieux: What’s new in Thalias’ offer?

Thalias Group is always on the lookout for new ways to delight its loyal customers. We regularly introduce new venues, suggestions, products, menus, special promotions and services to keep things fresh and exciting. We are passionate about staying on top of the latest trends and the gastronomic aspirations of our customers and friends. New Malis on Riverside  The staff at the former Yi Sang is actually taking care with the decor, menus, uniforms and other details as the restaurant on one of the capital’s most popular tourist thoroughfares.  This restaurant officially becomes the Thalias group’s third Malis, after Malis on Norodom Boulevard and the one in Siem Reap.  For a few weeks now, Malis Riverside has been offering the same menus as this flagship of the Khmer cuisine revival, and it’s been a huge hit! Not only do you get to enjoy the same delicious food, but you also get to soak up the atmosphere and admire the beautiful Mekong and Tonlé Sap rivers, which are right in front of you. Another fantastic advantage of the place is the possibility of a very local gastronomic stopover during a day of cultural visits.  After all, the restaurant is located just a stone’s throw from the Royal Palace and not far from the National Museum, and finally, in the immediate vicinity of the Sisowath Quay with its many shops and its unique entertainment in Phnom Penh.   And just like the other Malis restaurants, you can enjoy a business lunch every day from 11am to 3pm! Two options for this menu : The first option offers pork kebabs and M’chou-style chicken as starters. This is followed by a main course of Fish Amok, Prahok Ktis prawns and wok-fried eggplant, served with steamed jasmine rice. Finally, the menu is rounded off with a 100% Cambodian green bean dessert. The second option is no less appetising, with Takeo sausages and moringa soup – perfect for your health – as starters. This is followed by Amok fish and steamed chicken curry, before finishing with a corn dessert. In addition to the new business lunch set, Malis Riverside offers a delicious local dessert to each person who orders from our A La Carte menu.    Book your table:  Subscribe to Thalias Newsletter :  Special health and vitamins menu by Topaz  Topaz restaurants have been offering a special health and vitamins menu for the last few weeks.  Eden Gnean, manager of the Topaz restaurants, explains: “It was a real challenge to create a vegetable-based menu for vegetarians and/or those wishing to lose weight or reinvigorate themselves while enjoying high-quality cuisine.” Topaz listened to its customers and created this plant-based menu. Chef Sopheak has come up with a generous and original assortment that has been well received by customers who have requested it and is becoming quite popular among clients.  The spring vegetable tabbouleh is a simple yet fresh creation with a hint of the exotic, inspired by Lebanese cuisine. The salad of green vegetables with plum vinaigrette is simple yet effective, perfect for a light yet tasty starter. The excellent home-made tagliatelle with a side of morels, cream and cheese is the perfect main course. This dish strikes the perfect balance between gastronomy and lightness.  The Brittany-style ratatouille is poured into a baked white onion, and it’s original and very vegetarian. To keep with the vitamin-packed spirit of this unique menu, there’s nothing better than a Topaz cup with fresh fruit and a passion fruit sorbet.   Try it now: Subscribe to Thalias Newsletter :       

Behind the Scenes of Topaz: Mastering the Art of Refrigeration in Haute Cuisine

In the heart of the bustling city lies Topaz, a sanctuary where the art of fine dining meets the science of food preservation. At the helm of this culinary fortress stands Chef Sopheak Pov, a guardian of gastronomy, whose day begins with an unwavering commitment to one crucial principle: the sanctity of the refrigeration chain. A Day with Chef Sopheak Pov: Commitment to Excellence As dawn breaks, Chef Sopheak and his team embark on a meticulous inspection ritual, ensuring every link in the refrigeration chain remains unbroken. This dedication forms the backbone of Topaz’s reputation, not just as a restaurant, but as an emblem of unparalleled quality and safety. “In our world, the difference between good and exceptional lies in the details,” Chef Sopheak shares, as he oversees the precise calibration of temperatures tailored to preserve the integrity of luxury ingredients imported from France and Europe. The Pulse of Topaz: The Refrigeration Chain At Topaz, respecting the refrigeration chain is more than a protocol—it’s a philosophy. From the moment ingredients arrive, they’re entrusted to a system designed to thwart the advances of time and decay. This vigilant approach is not just about maintaining freshness but ensuring every dish served is a testament to safety and excellence. Empowering Our Culinary Artists “Cooking is an art, and like all artists, our chefs and apprentices are masters of their canvas—fresh ingredients,”Chef Sopheak elaborates. Rigorous training in refrigeration chain management ensures that every member of the kitchen staff is not just a cook, but a custodian of quality. Training the Culinary Masters of Tomorrow Kitchen assistants Cheun Rany and Orn Chhary embody the future of Topaz, undergoing comprehensive training that extends beyond the kitchen. “Understanding the refrigeration chain is akin to mastering an essential ingredient,”they learn, a philosophy that Topaz instills in every employee, preparing them to uphold the highest standards of culinary excellence. Our Secret Ingredient: Meticulous Attention to Detail It’s not just about keeping ingredients cold but understanding the nuanced needs of each product—how long it can stay fresh, its optimal storage conditions, and the importance of equipment maintenance. “Every detail matters,” Chef Sopheak asserts, emphasizing the role of vigilance in the culinary arts. Crafting Versatile Culinary Experts In Topaz’s kitchen, versatility is a virtue. Staff are trained to understand the interplay between different workstations, each dependent on the refrigeration chain. This holistic understanding ensures fluidity and excellence across all operations, from preparation to plating. A Testament to Excellence As Chef Sopheak concludes, “Our respect for the refrigeration chain is our commitment to our customers.” This dedication is echoed in the accolades Topaz has received, including its recent recognition in ’50 Best Discovery’ magazine in January 2024. Experience the culmination of culinary excellence and food safety at Topaz. Book your table here and immerse yourself in an unforgettable dining experience. For more insights into our journey of gastronomic perfection, subscribe to the Thalias Newsletter here. By embracing the art and science of refrigeration, Topaz doesn’t just serve meals; it delivers experiences crafted with precision, passion, and an unwavering commitment to quality. Join us, and taste the difference dedication makes.