Thalias Hospitality

C’est Délicieux: What’s new in Thalias’ offer?

Thalias Group is always on the lookout for new ways to delight its loyal customers. We regularly introduce new venues, suggestions, products, menus, special promotions and services to keep things fresh and exciting. We are passionate about staying on top of the latest trends and the gastronomic aspirations of our customers and friends.

New Malis on Riverside 

The staff at the former Yi Sang is actually taking care with the decor, menus, uniforms and other details as the restaurant on one of the capital’s most popular tourist thoroughfares. 

The entry of the new Malis

This restaurant officially becomes the Thalias group’s third Malis, after Malis on Norodom Boulevard and the one in Siem Reap. 

Taking care of a very “Malis” decoration

For a few weeks now, Malis Riverside has been offering the same menus as this flagship of the Khmer cuisine revival, and it’s been a huge hit! Not only do you get to enjoy the same delicious food, but you also get to soak up the atmosphere and admire the beautiful Mekong and Tonlé Sap rivers, which are right in front of you. Another fantastic advantage of the place is the possibility of a very local gastronomic stopover during a day of cultural visits.  After all, the restaurant is located just a stone’s throw from the Royal Palace and not far from the National Museum, and finally, in the immediate vicinity of the Sisowath Quay with its many shops and its unique entertainment in Phnom Penh.  

Having lunch or diner on the deck, right in front of the river

And just like the other Malis restaurants, you can enjoy a business lunch every day from 11am to 3pm! Two options for this menu : The first option offers pork kebabs and M’chou-style chicken as starters. This is followed by a main course of Fish Amok, Prahok Ktis prawns and wok-fried eggplant, served with steamed jasmine rice. Finally, the menu is rounded off with a 100% Cambodian green bean dessert. The second option is no less appetising, with Takeo sausages and moringa soup – perfect for your health – as starters. This is followed by Amok fish and steamed chicken curry, before finishing with a corn dessert.
In addition to the new business lunch set, Malis Riverside offers a delicious local dessert to each person who orders from our A La Carte menu.


For those who prefer the dining room with aircon

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Special health and vitamins menu by Topaz 

Topaz restaurants have been offering a special health and vitamins menu for the last few weeks. 

The spring vegetable tabbouleh

Eden Gnean, manager of the Topaz restaurants, explains: “It was a real challenge to create a vegetable-based menu for vegetarians and/or those wishing to lose weight or reinvigorate themselves while enjoying high-quality cuisine.” Topaz listened to its customers and created this plant-based menu. Chef Sopheak has come up with a generous and original assortment that has been well received by customers who have requested it and is becoming quite popular among clients. 

Excellent homemade tagliatelle

The spring vegetable tabbouleh is a simple yet fresh creation with a hint of the exotic, inspired by Lebanese cuisine. The salad of green vegetables with plum vinaigrette is simple yet effective, perfect for a light yet tasty starter. The excellent home-made tagliatelle with a side of morels, cream and cheese is the perfect main course. This dish strikes the perfect balance between gastronomy and lightness.  The Brittany-style ratatouille is poured into a baked white onion, and it’s original and very vegetarian. To keep with the vitamin-packed spirit of this unique menu, there’s nothing better than a Topaz cup with fresh fruit and a passion fruit sorbet.  

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