Thalias Hospitality

Thalias Signs Strategic Collaboration Deal with Amara Capital

“This is the first step of three that will propel Thalias to realise its vision of being recognised as the first choice for fine food lovers and hospitality in Cambodia,” said Thalias CEO Arnaud Darc after signing the agreement On 21 September Thalias Hospitality Group and Amara Capital announced the signing of a strategic growth investment deal between the two companies. The deal was the culmination of a long-term strategy by Thalias Group towards attracting inward investors in order to build upon our strengths and expand our activities both within and outside of Cambodia. “This is the first step of three that will propel Thalias to realise its vision of being recognised as the first choice for fine food lovers and hospitality in Cambodia,” said Thalias CEO Arnaud Darc after signing the agreement, adding, “I am confident this partnership will flourish with new opportunities for both our groups.” Amara Capital is a Cambodia-licensed fund management company run by entrepreneurs and investment specialists with extensive experience in the Kingdom. They offer small-to-medium-sized enterprises and real estate projects debt solutions and private equity investment geared towards strategic growth. Speaking after the deal was inked, Mr Darc added, “This investment, and the confidence it shows, is the fruit of our own long-standing investments in our company, the quality of our service and personnel and the integrity of our vision for the future, not just for Thalias, but also for our teams and, ultimately, of Cambodia. “Since its inception, Thalias has always been a forward-looking company. We believe in the future of Cambodia, and with that the future for our key sector: fine dining. We have always strived to set and attain the highest standards in creation, service and the growth of our company and the people that make it what it is. This deal represents recognition that we have succeeded in many of our goals, and provides the opportunity to expand those goals even further”. Amara and Thalias will also be collaborating on governance, business and finance strategies that will support the company as it moves forward. Thalias would like to thank Amara for their investment, as well as their confidence, knowledge and insights and we look forward to the development of this relationship in the years ahead.