Thalias Hospitality

Thalias Assessment Center

Thalias Assessment Center

The rapid growth of Cambodia’s hospitality and tourism sectors create numerous jobs and a high demand for new professionals in the labor market. By 2030, the tourism sector alone will create two million more jobs. The challenge lies in ensuring that the labor pool can meet the skills required.
Thalias Hospitality Group, together with Asia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable Transformation (ASSIST), initiated the Thalias Assessment Center for Food Production (TACFP). This initiative seeks to establish an assessment center in Phnom Penh that will serve as a venue for aspiring food production assessors and trainers will learn, develop their skills, and gain opportunities for career advancement.


To foster lifelong learning in food production by encouraging further study through acknowledgement of workplace learning and recognition of past study
To assess the competencies of tourism professionals in food production for certification through a new mechanism in accordance with the national and ASEAN Qualification Frameworks

Project Outcomes

  • Establishment

    Established sustainable assessment center for food production.

  • Expanding

    Expanded pool of 40 assessors and 20 trainers in food production

  • Capacitate

    Capacitated 100 tourism professionals with certified skills