Thalias Hospitality

The Glorious Journey of Miss Planet International 2023

The Miss Planet International beauty pageant, an event that amasses significant global attention, is a platform that seeks to find the perfect women to represent their mission: preserving our beautiful planet. 

This year, the event was graced by an array of beauty, talent, and intellect, with delegates from around the globe. The winner of this esteemed competition, held at the majestic Koh Pich Theater on November 19, 2023, in Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia, was the radiant and passionate Min Worawalan from Thailand.  

The Fierce Competition 

The Miss Planet International pageant is known for its rigorous selection process and intense competition. The event saw numerous talented and beautiful women vying for the coveted crown, each possessing a unique blend of beauty, intellect, and dedication towards environmental conservation. 

The Crowning Glory 

The coronation night was filled with anticipation as Min Worawalan, the representative of Thailand, was crowned the winner. Her victory was met with thunderous applause and admiration, not just for her outer beauty, but for her commitment to the cause the pageant stands for. 

Yi Sang – A Feast for the Champions 

In a celebration befitting the beautiful contestants, they were hosted at the renowned Yi Sang restaurant, one of the brands of Thalias Hospitality. Known for its authentic and exquisite Chinese food, Yi Sang offered a culinary experience that was as memorable as the competition itself. Images of the dinner showcase the joy and camaraderie shared among the winners, a fitting end to a grand event. 

Miss Planet International: A Commitment Beyond Beauty 

Miss Planet International is more than just a beauty pageant. It’s a commitment to the environment, a promise to work towards preserving our beautiful planet. The participants, hailing from all corners of the world, bring forth not just their beauty, but their passion for environmental conservation to the global platform. 

Indeed, Miss Planet International is a competition of substance, a celebration of beauty, intelligence, and a commitment to a cause that is bigger than us all. It’s a testament to the fact that beauty, when combined with purpose, can indeed save the world. 

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