Thalias Hospitality

Le Rousseau — Simple, but Divine

Two years ago, Khéma launched the first of its own range of branded artisan cheeses, Le Rousseau, a simple Fromage Frais named in honour of dairy consultant Nicolas Rousseau who spent months training our team in the ancient arts of cheesemaking. Fromage Frais, or fresh cheese, is probably one of the earliest forms of cheese developed by man, and it wasn’t just an important source of nutrition. References to it as a vehicle for letting the gods know how much they were revered can be found in the Hindu Vedas, the Old Testament of the Bible, and in early Buddhist and Jainist texts. Soft, thick, creamy and lightly tangy, Fromage Frais is one of the simplest cheeses to make and one of the easiest to start out with for those who may find the prospect of tucking into an aromatically lurid blue or leaky brie a little off-putting. It makes a delicious treat in its simplest form, smeared on a slice of baguette perhaps with a drizzle of honey, but is also highly adaptable for use in salads, or topped on grills and baked potatoes, and especially in desserts. For those watching their figures, the fact that it’s not ripened means it’s generally lower in fat than other cheeses and can be used as a low-fat, low-calorie alternative for cream in dishes such as Beef Stroganoff without sacrificing depth of flavour. The earliest evidence for cheesemaking can be traced back to the period between 7000 and 6500 BCE. By then, humans had long kept dairy animals, first goats and sheep and eventually the less gregarious cow, though mainly as a source of meat. However, the discovery at this time of pyrotechnology led to the creation of pottery which in turn led to huge advances in human food preparation because finally it could be stored, processed and transported without falling prey to the elements (we’re thinking ants!). This revolution led directly to the earliest forms of cheese, simple curds, separated and strained, i.e. a Fromage Frais, just like Le Rousseau. But simple should never be mistaken for unworthy. The Hindu Vedas were written over many centuries by a pastoral people whose lives were deeply rooted in cattle rearing. The texts reveal the pivotal and venerated role that dairy foods played in ancient India where they were valued not only as an integral part of the diet, but also for their role as offerings to the gods in religious observances. Later on, Buddhist and Jainist texts affirmed the importance of dairy products, including curds and fresh cheese, in the Indian diet. But this central place was not to hold, perhaps due to environmental factors, perhaps also due to the increasingly elevated status of the cow, and emerging prohibitions on animal slaughter. It seems clear too that the kinds of smelly, mouldy, even maggot-infested, cheeses—whose ripening may be compared to a sort of rotting—that were later favoured in Europe would have confounded a culture increasingly rooted in purity and vegetarianism. Early Christians also centred fresh cheese as a form of offering to the gods. The first reference to cheese in the Bible comes in Genesis when Abraham, the father of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, is subjected to a surprise visit from God and two of his angels that would put anyone’s day into a spin. Whipping up a meal that was fitting for such august company, Abraham put together a table that included freshly baked bread, veal, fresh cheese and milk. But even a harried Abraham was not the first of his time or place to offer fresh cheese to his god. Cheese and butter had been an integral part of religious practice and offering in Mesopotamia for more than 1,000 years. So the next time you see a Le Rousseau or other Fromage Frais, do not think ‘too simple for my tastes’. Instead think “well, if it’s good enough for the gods…” That is the beauty of simplicity. One delicious way of serving up Fromage Frais is a Cervelle de Canut, a rich and creamy dip whose origins lie in Lyon. It may be simple, but the results are divine, making it a perfect offering for guests, be they gods or otherwise. Cervelle de Canut (Serves 6-8) 200g Fromage Frais 20g Finely chopped shallot 10g Finely snipped chives 1tsp Finely chopped garlic 15g Finely chopped parsley 10g Strong Dijon mustard 15ml Red wine vinegar 25g Olive oil 100g Whipping cream, lightly whipped Sea salt and freshly ground pepper Put the fromage frais into a bowl and mix in the shallot, chives, garlic and parsley. Add the mustard, wine vinegar and olive oil and mix again until the texture is uniform. Finally, stir in the lightly whipped cream and season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve with: thin slices of baguette, lightly toasted, or crostini Grissini breadsticks and raw cucumber, celery and carrot batons. Credit for this recipe goes to the legendary Michel Roux, and his chef Stéphane Colliet.

The best of France with Franck at Khéma

If you’ve been visiting Khéma Pasteur over the last few days, you may have noticed a fresh-faced Frenchman in chef’s whites about the place. And if you haven’t been introduced to him already, then we are very pleased to present Franck Grabowski, a pastry chef (patissier) with 25 years’ experience in creating delicious pastries, cakes, macarons, chocolates, sweets, ice creams and desserts back home in France. And now he’s turned his hand to working with our team here in Cambodia. Franck arrived here in April this year, originally settling with his wife, Montha, in Siem Reap, where they had planned on setting up a guest house. But we all know now what Covid can do to anyone’s hopes. And so he contacted Thalias. We weren’t actually looking for anyone at the time, but on inviting him for a three-day ‘trial’, decided to create a position for him and the skills he brings with him. Franck literally grew up with his hands dusted in flour. The patisserie he eventually came to call his own had belonged to his father since Franck was 13. After a spell in which he studied law in nearby Poitiers, Franck came back to the heart of things, and after studying went to work alongside his father in the mid-90s. After five years, Le Pêché Mignon (the “guilty pleasure”, or, “sweet spot”) became his own, and he has run it together with Montha and their team ever since. Or, until this year. Aside from working with her husband, Montha is key to why they are here now. Born in France, Montha’s family is Cambodian, with relatives still based around Oddar Meanchey. She and her husband had visited the country several times over the last several years, and it was on their last visit in 2016 that they started to put together the idea of making a definitive move. And then they did it. With Thalias, Franck has been charged, inter alia, with bringing the entire patisserie range up to date, which means re-conceiving and testing the recipes, with particular reference to the ingredients that are actually available rather than the ingredients he would ideally have to hand and also, just as importantly, with reference to the different environment and palates that prevail here. It’s a challenge with a great deal of adjustments at every level. At the same time, he isn’t afraid to experiment and to integrate new ideas and ingredients where he can. The task isn’t without other challenges too. It’s fair to say that both Franck and his team here at Khéma Pasteur have a “middling” level of English. However, one of the curses of a language with multiple origins is that there are always at least 20 different words for everything (contrary to many French people’s understanding of the English language!) It’s not easy to get to grips with the workings of an organisation when you’re having to effectively evolve a fourth language of your own out of one you sort of, but not quite, have in common and the two you don’t in which to do it. But that challenge aside, Franck is already working on new ideas and formulations for Khéma’s cakes and more. He’s reluctant to touch the Viennoisserie (croissants, etc.) because, as he says, they’re already better than he often finds in France. Cakes are more complicated for environmental and product-sourcing reasons, and also because he thinks they can be better adapted to Cambodian tastes, which are actually less sweet when it comes to sweet things than he anticipated. He’s already working on a some new versions of old classics that integrate local ingredients as well. So there is much to look forward to for him, with the challenges and all, and even more for us to look forward to on the other side of the counter. Keep your eyes open for the new ideas that will be coming out of Khéma’s kitchens soon!

The River of Sapphires

A Chef with a Vision Cambodia’s celebrated master chef, Luu Meng is looking lean and relaxed as we meet for an early morning chat, I have not seen my good friend for a little while and note that he looks perhaps a little weary. A few of his newest dishes are soon placed before me, Meng wants some feedback. Whilst recent years have been challenging for us all, tourism and hospitality were hit particularly hard; Meng closed a few venues, opened a few others, adapted where necessary, changed a few things up, but as always, he kept looking forward. For as long as I have known him, (about 15 years), Luu Meng has always been looking ahead, and his vision is one that is broad and inclusive. Working with his partners, his teams, with governments, committees and organizations, he keeps looking not only at his own businesses and the many industries he is involved in, (hospitality, tourism, agriculture, aquaculture, logistics, food security, and more) but also looking out for his people and looking at how to keep getting better. Meng is always implementing ways to improve business standards and practices industry wide, searching to create pathways to success and to improving Cambodian people’s daily lives. I always enjoy Meng’s company; I look up to him and find him someone who is inspirational in my life. I am proud to call him a friend and cherish our shared passion for food and the art of the table. Talking shop with Meng is always an expansive and informative conversation. Today, I wanted to talk about the Giant River Prawn, (Macrobrachium Rosenbergii), which is prized by restaurants, chefs and gourmands in Cambodia for its sweet, rich, firmly textured flesh and its subtle, freshwater flavour. Luu Meng likes to refer to it as ‘Mekong langoustine’ and pronounces it ‘bang kang’ in Khmer language. Of course, Meng is able to discuss more than his dishes and the river prawn itself, and I am soon firmly ensnared in his lobster pot, as he informs me on the species history here in Cambodia, where the best one’s come from, when is the best time to eat them and how the supply chain can remain environmentally, ethically and commercially sustainable. That is latter point is important to Meng is not surprising, but it is vitally important for the nation and the species. According to the Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Cambodians are the largest consumers of freshwater fish per capita in the world (Baran, 2010). With fish and other aquatic animals accounting for 76% of total animal proteins. Whilst according to a research paper published by Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems: Cambodia has one of the world’s most productive inland fisheries (Baran, 2005), based around the ecosystem of the Tonle Sap Lake. Inland fisheries have been central to livelihoods and food and nutrition security in Cambodia for centuries (Cooke, 2011; Sithirith, 2011), and continue to be so today (Hartje et al., 2018; Freed et al., 2020). Aquaculture has only relatively recently become the focus of sustained interest from research and development institutions in Cambodia. This interest aligns with predicted, and increasingly realized, declines in inland capture fisheries production. For example, a combination of drought and water impoundment by upstream dams caused reported fish catch from the Tonle Sap to contract 23% in 2020, prompting fears of imminent fisheries collapse (MRC, 2020). Such a collapse would threaten the livelihoods and food security of millions of Cambodians (IFReDI, 2013). Aquaculture is increasingly framed in Cambodian development policy discourse as having an important role to play in meeting demand for fish and providing rural employment. Meng gets his Bang Kang (Takeo Lobster) from the source, and serves it at Malis restaurant, where they offer the lobster whole, oven-baked in the shell. Before baking the bang kang is marinated in Prahok Ktis, (pickled mudfish with minced pork, coconut cream, a Khmer Kreoung of herbs and spices, and chilli). Foil traps in all the juices and flavour and the Lobster is served golden on a bed of Malis, (Jasmine) rice; where guests season it with Kampot pepper, Kep Salt and local lime juice to taste. Growing to around 32 centimeters in size, they make a delicious entrée or a main and Meng cooks the rice itself in a bang kang, gumbo-broth that is made including a magnificent, flavourful, creamy roux -made from the contents of the lobster’s head. Meng tells me that whilst the smaller lobsters have more flavour and texture in their flesh, the larger lobsters have much more cranial matter with which to make the roux, adding that this is a key component to the species exceptional deliciousness. Another recipe Meng likes for bang kang is to make a lobster soup with kaffir lime leaf, shallots, Kampot pepper, kreoung, onions, fish roe, the bang kang roux, add in lots of fresh herbs, fresh chilli and citrus juice, with whole pieces of lobster in the soup. Meng notes this is a very revitalizing and refreshing soup, and it is very popular with locals. Meng notes that the Takeo Lobster is very popular, it is a dish to impress and often served for special or important occasions, it is a highly prized ingredient amongst locals. The French in Indochina also loved to eat them and called them Saphira, named for their sapphire blue legs. Today, the species is once again developing an international following. Meng notes that tourists and visitors love to order the dish at his restaurant, and that there is now export demand for the Takeo lobster. For so many producers in the Agri-sector, meeting demand has often been about increasing supply at the risk of exhausting the resource or its environment. Here the way to meet demand will have to be through adding value and increasing the price, in order to preserve the species environment and keep them healthy and sustainable. Takeo province is sometimes called the oldest province in Cambodia or the cradle of civilization, for … Read more

For a Fizz that’s Fabulous, at a Fraction of the Price

You’ve got something wonderful to celebrate and truly special occasions demand rivers of Champagne. That’s the rule isn’t it? But it’s a rule that comes with a price tag that can burst a lot of people’s budgets. But just because funds are not limitless, it doesn’t mean the fun has to be limited. Champagne is just one of France’s many sparkling wines, and there’s no reason why a party should fall flat without it. At Topaz and Khéma we offer Georges du Boeuf Crémant de Bourgogne, a dry sparkling wine from the Burgundy region of France whose lively bubbles and fresh flavours will spark up your night. It’s generally agreed that this is a wine packed with youthful vigour, and a vivacity that melts into smoothness in the mouth. Sparkling Burgundies have a history that goes back almost 200 years. Today, almost 20 million bottles of Crémant de Bourgogne are produced across 2,900 hectares, of which 200 are dedicated to creating Georges du Boeuf’s Crémant. Premium Crémant wines in the region can be produced from pinot noir, pinot blanc or pinot gris, while second category wines are made from Gamay Noir, Aligoté, Melon or Saucy. Georges du Boeuf Crémants are made entirely from Pinot Noir grapes. As a result, their sparkling wine is noted for its pale golden colour dashed with hints of pink, and the fine bubbles that gather and bead at the head of the wine. This is a perfect wine for an aperitif, but it is not at all out of place on the dining table either. Ideal with many starters, it will also make a lively partner for shellfish or river fish dishes, and is especially recommended for enjoying with smoked fish. It’s also great with chicken and other poultry. If those are prepared with fruits such as pears, then all the better. If you’d like to take it to the next stage, then a dessert with lots of fresh fruit will never go wrong. So all that’s left to do now is organise the invite list.

Building Cambodia’s Wine Knowledge—We’ll Drink to That

Last month, the specialists at the brand-new Monsieur Wine & Beyond in Treellion Park hosted a wine-tasting workshop guided by Robinson Marguerite. Around plates of cheese and charcuterie, the 15 guests sampled a selection of five wines (two whites and three reds) while learning their history, origins, flavour profiles and most advantageous pairings. The regular tastings are part of the company’s mission to create amazing and unforgettable experiences for all wine lovers in Cambodia, and the world. The one-and-a-half hour session included an exploration of the subtleties and mysteries of French wine, bolstered by exercises proposed by a brilliant wine teacher. The exercises helped the guests to dig into the wines’ qualities and begin to recognise their distinct aroma, colour, transparency, texture and finally, taste. They also helped to lighten and render accessible a vast, and intimidating, subject, and questions flew from guests who were keen to learn more. Always concerned with detail during his presentation, Robinson didn’t miss one of the key phases of properly enjoying a bottle of wine: how to open it. But he also took his students on a comprehensive journey through the geography of wine, including favourable climates, regions and conditions that determine the quality of a wine, as well as the ageing process, bottling, labelling and even the quality of the cork. Only open for just over a month, Monsieur Wine & Beyond already has grounds for optimism. The wine bar is located in Treelion Park in a beautiful and spacious space of almost 200 square meters where visitors will also find a boutique, and private room that can be hired for private wine-tastings. There will of course be more public tastings to come. For further information, contact: Ms Ky Lyden on +855 (0) 93 942 189 Adapted from an article in Cambodge Mag

Pchum Ben: a Festival of Redemption

Pchum Ben, Cambodia’s most important and impatiently awaited festival, will take place from 24 to 26 September this year. As always, all of Thalias outlets will be keeping our doors open to continue serving you. Pchum Ben, Cambodia’s most important and impatiently awaited festival, will take place from 24 to 26 September this year. As always, all of Thalias outlets will be keeping our doors open to continue serving you. The festival’s name literally translates as “gathering of glutinous rice balls,” a reference to the “ben bai” made from rice, sesame, coconut and sometimes beans that are offered to monks who become messengers from the living to the dead. The rice balls are intended to assuage the suffering of the hungry ghosts, “preta”, of ancestors who may be caught in a purgatory defined by its cruelty and suffering. One of the most torturous aspects of their misery is to spend their days with an empty stomach and a long, narrow throat, like a small straw, that does not let anything through. The offerings may relieve their hunger and bring enough merit to free them from their punishment. The national holiday will be celebrated after a fortnight of ritual ceremonies, Kan Ben, during which Cambodian families gather to pray and organize offerings. There is a positive aspect to this because, unlike the thankfully now retired Christian doctrine of purgatory, redemption and mercy are still possible. Every year, the gates of Hell are opened for Pchum Ben and the living work towards the release of the damned who may regain their karma through the actions of their families. A fusion of animist, Buddhist, Chinese and Hindu traditions, and a reflection of the strong spiritual sensibilities of Cambodia, Pchum Ben is considered unique in the world. For many Cambodians, it is the most anticipated of all festivals, a time to pack their finest clothes and head home to gather with family and friends in the towns and villages where they grew up. We facilitate staff who wish to go home to their families by rotating our teams, which allows us to continue serving you at this important time. Adapted from an article in Cambodge Mag

Kroh Kroubey: Perfume in the Air

A few kilometers from Phnom Penh, in the province of Kandal, the village of Kroh Kroubey is best known for its jasmine farms. Every morning, a sweet, floral scent permeates Saruon’s home and field as his wife delicately threads buds of the purest white onto thin stems. This is the best time of year for harvesting the flowers from their modest jasmine farm in Koh Kroubey in Kandal Province, a region renowned for its farms growing this iconic fragrant flower, because the monsoon rains push the shrubs to produce a profusion of perfumed blossoms. With the help of two employees, Saruon harvests the pale green jasmine buds early each morning before the flowers have bloomed. The fragrant buds are then sold to wholesalers and nearby markets. “At this time, the shrubs bloom abundantly and the price of jasmine becomes relatively low, $10 per kilo,” but from December on, the plants produce far fewer flowers, so the price can rise to $25 per kilo.” Thanks to its sweet fragrance and pure-white petals, jasmine is often used to make offerings to the Buddha. The word “jasmine” derives from the Persian “yasmin”, meaning ‘gift of the gods’. Buds and flowers are also used in decorative arrangements for temples, festivals, birthdays and weddings. The flowers are also added to holy water used for blessings by Buddhist monks. There are two main types of jasmine offerings: Je kah is a thin stick with buds surrounding it, usually with a red flower at the end of it, and pum melei is a circular garland, which devotees put around the neck of Buddha statues. When the directors of Thalias Hospitality Group were looking for a name for their new Cambodian restaurant, they chose Malis, from the Khmer word p’kah maleas, because of its links to Buddhist cultures and the principles of purity and respect it represents. In addition to the local significance and the religious aspect, Chef Luu Meng also decided to incorporate the jasmine flower in the recipes of the Malis restaurant, especially in our desserts. Food lovers will certainly appreciate the Malis Mousse, a light cream infused with jasmine flower with notes of Cambodian honey and ginger, trimmed with fresh seasonal fruits and served with crispy rice and coconut ice cream, for example… The villagers of Koh Kroubey have a long tradition of jasmine cultivation, using techniques have been passed down from generation to generation. Although the crops are not as abundant or lucrative as rice, jasmine is a year-round crop and requires little maintenance once the trees are mature (after two years). Jasmine plants do not require any pesticides or chemical fertilisers, just vegetable compost. The trees are cut down after three to four years to encourage flower and bud growth. As for income, Saron explains, “You don’t get very rich, but this activity is enough to feed the family properly. Adapted from an article in: Cambodge Mag

Khéma Flatiron Ready to Rise

This August, Khéma Restaurant is proudly opening its doors in the landmark Flatiron by Meridian building to the west of Phnom Penh train station. It’s taken more than expected (thank you Covid) but on the first day of August Khéma Flatiron finally opened its doors to the general public: a brand new Khéma venue, with the same great menu and a spectacular location on the 28th floor giving views in every direction across Phnom Penh and on a clear day even as far away as Phnom Aural in Kampong Speu. This new Khéma is a celebration of the best of traditional and modern values. A stunning contemporary design, with clean, open spaces, marble-topped tables and an exquisite curving copper-topped bar provides a fresh, cosmopolitan backdrop not just for those incredible views but also for our way of elevating time-honoured French cooking. This is a venue for a city that’s permanently on the move, always growing, always looking forward; like its people. You’ll find here all the things you’ve long loved about Khéma’s sister outlets on Pasteur, at Khéma La Poste, and not forgetting Khéma Angkor. Our fabulous Free-Flow Breakfast, our Wine & Dine events (just imagine the joy of savouring endless plates of cheese, charcuterie and more while looking out over Phnom Penh’s constellation of twinkling city lights), and soon we will be offering the rightly famous Khéma Business Lunch deal (one of the best value lunch deals in Phnom Penh). Khéma Flatiron will lift your spirits, we have no doubt. We still have more up our sleeve too, and are looking forward to the imminent opening of Siena, an Italian-style steakhouse. Keep an eye on October, because we’re sure you won’t want to miss this. And don’t forget that, if you’re in a hurry, there’s always Khéma GO on the ground floor. Looking forward to seeing you all soon! Written by Nicky Sullivan

The Art of Camembert

“Muftis and bishops should be like ripe camembert cheeses – a bit on the nose and not for the faint-hearted, but memorable!” Michael Leunig It was over half a century ago, 1966 that the then French President, General and Statesman Charles de Gaulle made his famous speech at Olympic Stadium in Phnom Penh, in front of an estimated crowd of 100,000 people. In his address de Gaulle praised Prince Sihanouk for his ambitious development and modernization policies and for his neutral stance in the expanding war between Vietnam and the United States of America. De Gaulle called on the U.S. to extract itself from the region, believing that only a political agreement would bring about peace and restore regional stability, “One must leave countries to manage their own destiny in their own way” was his famous declaration. Of course, one of de Gaulle’s more famous quotes was the statement “Comment voulez-vous gouverner un pays qui a deux cent quarante-six variétés de fromage?” –how can you govern a country which has two hundred and forty-six varieties of cheese? So, it should perhaps be of no surprise that the French Bistrot Khema, (significant importers and purveyors of fine cheeses), immediately saw in the development of the fresh milk industry in Cambodia, an opportunity to begin making their own cheeses locally. Working with international dairy consultant Nicolas Rousseau, the first cheese to be released was a creamy fresh blanc that was named ‘Le Rousseau’ in honour of their mentor. Nicolas saw only high expectations for the local industry, “The industry in Cambodia has the right breed of dairy cows in use, the diet supplied is very good and the fat content exceptional, beyond my expectations”. Khema has been producing and selling to the market, fresh blanc cheese, ash rolled fresh cheese, and mozzarella. They are also developing new cheeses, such as a Neuchâtel, and a raclette style cheese. Head Chef at Thalias, Sopheak Pov also spoke of his hopes that they will soon be experimenting with blue-mold cheeses. However, a very special cheese project, one that has taken over two years to evolve, has finally reached fruition. “The famous soft watches are nothing else than the tender, extravagant, solitary, paranoic-critical camembert of space and time.” Salvador Dali Dali’s soft clocks Salvador Dali (1904-1989) remains the most famous artist of the Surrealist movement, many of the images he depicted in his work have become widely known, some of them iconic, such as his enduring soft clocks. The clocks first appeared in his 1931 masterpiece: The Persistence of Memory, one of the most recognizable works of all Surrealism. It is widely recognized and frequently referred to in popular culture to this day. The work itself is sometimes referred to as “Melting Clocks” or, “Soft Watches”. It is a deeply personal painting for Dali and depicts a memory from his childhood, the melting clocks representing the relativity of time and space and the breakdown of a fixed cosmic order. Set in the Bay of Roses where Dali spent his childhood, the work depicts Dali himself looking for all intents and purposes like a soft, amoeba like creature lying helpless on the beach. Many suggested that Dali was inspired, or was even making a comment on Alfred Einstein’s theory of relativity however; Dalí famously replied that he was inspired to paint the melting watches while he was eating runny some particularly runny Camembert cheese. It triggered in him a memory of a visit to the doctor when he was still just a child. The doctor said, “Show me your tongue.” Dalí intentionally misread the words montrer (to show) and langue (tongue) as montre (watch) and langeur (languid) and this gave him the idea for the soft and melting pocket-watches, resembling the running of a soft and melting wheel of Camembert cheese. Camembert as art and inspiration. “The camembert with its venison scent defeats the Marolles and Limbourg dull smells; It spreads its exhalation, smothering the other scents under its surprising breath abundance.” Emile Zola The Harel Cheese Dynasty Whilst records show that the famous raw-milk cheese from the Camembert region of Normandy has been produced there since the end of the 17th century, there is a more romantic legend of its invention by the young cheesemaker Marie Harel, who was taught to make it by a refractory priest, Abbot Charles-Jean Bonvoust, hidden in 1796–97 at the Manor of Beaumoncel where she worked. The Abbott is said to have come from the famous cheese region of Brie. Marie Harel did make Camembert cheese, according to the local custom and she initiated a dynasty of cheese makers who produced Camembert cheese on a large scale, most notably her grandson Cyrille Paynel, born in 1817. The success of the production of Camembert in the first half of the 19th century was largely due to the descendants of Harel, but around the 1870s, other Norman cheese makers began to contest the family monopoly. The town of Vimoutiers had built a statue to Marie in her honour; on 14 June 1944, during the Battle of Normandy, Vimoutiers was bombarded. The village was destroyed, and many lives were lost. Four hundred people from the small town of Van Wert, Ohio, (who called themselves the cheesemakers) in the United States, contributed to the costs of reconstruction and reparation of the town and this included the replacement of Marie Harel’s statue in 1953. Camembert Whilst it has slightly less fat content than Brie, Camembert has a stronger, earthier flavour than its counterpart. Traditional Camembert is made from fresh, raw milk, high in fat and rich in proteins. The milk is warmed and then poured into large vats, where natural rennet is added. Once the curds have formed, they are ladled out carefully (to prevent them from breaking) into individual cheese molds. When the cheeses have drained sufficiently, they are turned over. On the second day, the cheeses are removed from the molds and taken to the salting room. Here dry salt is shaken onto … Read more