Thalias Hospitality

A Glimpse of What’s to Come at Siena…

The flavours of an Italy you’ve never imagined are coming to you soon at Siena. Opening soon, Siena Italian Steakhouse at the Flatiron Building in Phnom Penh is dedicated to bringing you the best of real Italian cooking, representing centuries of tradition from the north and south of the country. Our Executive Chef, Giuseppe Napoletano, Pino to his friends, has spent almost 40 years refining his skills in kitchens all over the world, and his dedication to original recipes using the best ingredients in order to bring you the sublime, authentic flavours of Italy is just one mark of his passion for his work. But that’s not to say that he doesn’t allow himself to get creative from time to time, which is the secret behind one of the trade mark dishes that you’ll find at Siena: Slow Cooked Crispy Eggs with Asparagus and Leek. This is an intricate dish, that is painstaking and time-consuming to prepare, but we think the rewards are worth it. And it also combines a variety of cooking styles, from slow-cooking the eggs at a low temperature for 50 minutes so that they cook through while keeping a silky texture. Then they’re left to settle in flat rice for a day before being wrapped in rice and deep-fried, so that silly egginess is matched by the crisp and crunchy exterior. It would be perfect just there, but there is more. The egg is set on a puff-pastry crust with a cream of asparagus and leek to add a softer crisp, and smooth, creamy earthiness of the vegetables. A marriage of tastes, textures and colours that we think is perfection on a plate. On a more traditional tack, one of Chef Pino’s favourite dishes is Risotto, one of those things that looks simple but in reality is far from it. Risotto is made from a medium to long-grain fino or superfino rice grown in the north of Italy, and the key to success lies in the attention and experience of the chef. The rice cooks in a stock that is introduced gradually over the cooking process, each ladleful being added as the last one is absorbed by the grains. It should also be stirred in order to help break up the starches that give the finished dish its luscious creaminess, but not too much, or all that creaminess will be lost. Chef Pino has gone to great lengths to source the very best risotto rice that Italy produces, and you’ll find it on Siena’s menu prepared with Shellfish, Courgette Pesto, a sweet Black Garlic Cream and Lime. Sublime… And for the sweeter things in life, we fall back again on Chef Pino’s creative side. It is an Italian Chocolate Ganache with Italian Black Rum, Almond Cookies and Raspberry and Mandarine Jelly (gelatine). Chef Pino came up with this delight as a way of bringing together all of his favourite things in one dessert, and he named it 1969, in honour of his birthday. We’re looking forward to celebrating your birthdays and more at Siena. Watch this space!

Bottoms Up! A Toast to Cambodia’s Finest Flavours

In love with the fresh, vibrant flavours of Cambodian cuisine, but not sure what drink to pair with it? We have the ultimate answer: more of those incredible flavours, of course! Some people get themselves in a muddle trying to work out which wines to drink with Cambodian food. And it’s true that there are plenty of wines that pair beautifully with the fresh, herby and vibrant flavours of Cambodian Cuisine. But one of the best ways to really get the best out of your meal is to pair it up with something that’s been specifically created to reflect and complement those flavours, such as one of our Malis Signature Cocktails. One of those, the Malis Sweet & Sour combines the flavours of one of our favourite dishes, Sweet & Sour Soup, with the distinctive kick of that classic cocktail, the Mojito. Made with tamarind paste, palm sugar, sweet basil, kaffir lime and lemongrass, this delicious and refreshing rum cocktail is the perfect partner for enjoying with almost anything on our menu, but we think it’s especially good with a Green Mango and Smoked Fish Salad or the Kep Flower Crab Fried Rice. We created these cocktails to show the range and versatility of Cambodian flavours and to represent them in a fresh light. Of course, you can also simply enjoy them on their own, and there are few better spots for doing that than in the elegant grandeur of Malis in Siem Reap’s Chhatra Lounge. Drop by Malis Siem Reap at 6pm any evening for our Happy Hour, and enjoy our buy-one-get-one free. It’s a great opportunity to explore some of the other unique cocktails we’ve concocted to reflect and perfect Cambodian Cuisine’s bounty of flavour, or simply to savour on their own. Chhoul-Mouy!

Spring, Sprang, Sprung: Lamb is in the Air!

_Easter and lamb go together like Prahok and Aubergine. Where will you be celebrating yours? In the West, spring is many people’s favourite time of year. After an often long, cold, wet, windy and dark winter, the evenings start to brighten as the days lengthen, the chill factor drops to a gentle warmth — in the middle of the day anyway — delicate white and pink blossoms add a soft-scented decoration to bare tree branches, trees and hedgerows start to fill with birdsong, and everyone starts to feel a little more optimistic about the world. It’s glorious. But one of the biggest markers of spring is the appearance of little balls of white wool gambolling around the fields; it’s lambing season. Lamb has never really enjoyed the same cachet as beef and we think this is a gross injustice that punishes the judgers not the judged, because lamb is an infinitely more sophisticated meat, and it happens to be healthier too. While beef is known for its heavy, iron-rich flavour, lamb’s gamier flavour manages to be both lighter in one sense, but also more complex, sometimes more robust, and frankly it offers an altogether finer experience. Lamb’s full flavour comes from the fact that it is slightly fattier than beef (no fat = no flavour = no point in carrying on). However, despite having more fat, and slightly more calories, than beef, lamb is a healthier option because it contains more heart-healthy omega-3s than either grass or grain-fed beef. We will write about the libelling of fat another time. When baked to a golden crisp, lamb fat is one of those things that can rapidly become addictive. So, with that, one of the best signs that spring is here is finding yourself sitting down to a deliciously light but earthy bowl of Navarin d’Agneau, an emblematic springtime dish that brings together tender lamb and fresh spring vegetables in a deliciously light broth, and manages to be simple and sublime all at once. You’ll find our version of this perennial favourite at Khéma. On the other hand, if you prefer something with a little more heft and style, you can always enjoy a gorgeous Rack of Lamb, with a savoury potato tart and glazed spring vegetables, or a truly magnificent Baked Lamb Fillet in Puff Pastry at Topaz, two of our favourite dishes and the mark of a true sophisticate and flavour connoisseur. One of the most important Christian holidays all over the world, Easter will be Celebrated on April 9 this year. Commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, this feast holds a deep spiritual significance, but is also appreciated for its more secular values too, especially the occasion to get together with friends and family for a beautiful meal which, more often than not, is centred around lamb. Lamb has symbolic significance as a representation of Jesus Christ, the “Lamb of God” who sacrificed his life for the sins of all. It has over centuries become a symbol of renewal and new beginnings, but also of purity and goodness, and ultimately of course, of sacrifice, an echo of Jesus’s sacrifice of his own life. But the importance of lamb at this time of year predates even the story of the Resurrection and goes back to the story of the Passover, celebrated every year by Jews all over the world in commemoration of the freeing of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt. Lamb entered the traditional Passover menu thanks to the biblical story found in the book of Exodus, where Jews in Ancient Egypt had to smear lamb’s blood on their doorposts to avoid a plague of God. When early Jews — who celebrated Passover by eating lamb to mark this occasion — converted to Christianity, they took this meal with them to celebrate Easter. Furthermore, lamb’s availability as an accessible meat after winter months with no livestock to slaughter would also encourage our ancestors to serve up a few lamb legs to celebrate. In France, lamb’s significance can be traced back to the Middle Ages, when it was a luxurious dish saved for the very wealthy. So if you’re looking to celebrate Easter this year, or simply looking to try something new and delicious, then we can heartily recommend a trip to Khéma or Topaz to try out our beautiful lamb dishes.

Are your Easter Eggs delivered by a Bunny or a Bell?

It turns out that the Easter Bunny doesn’t have a monopoly on the Easter-Egg delivery market… Easter Sunday commemorates the day on which Jesus Christ rose from the dead after being crucified for blasphemy. This is a double day of rejoicing for Christians for there is not only the resurrection of Christ to celebrate, but also the end of the 40-day Lenten fast. This time also coincides with the beginning of spring, which brings with it its own manifestations of renewal and rebirth that are so fundamental to the Christian Easter celebrations. There is a huge range of special foods associated with the Easter but, rather unsurprisingly, one of the most loved is the chocolate Easter Egg. The traditions around Easter Eggs go back thousands of years. Throughout history, peoples all over the world have given eggs during spring festivals in order to mark the change of seasons, and the tradition goes back long before Christians adopted it. As with spring, eggs are powerful symbols of rebirth and renewal and were gifted for this reason. This practice was adopted by the Church and it wasn’t long before the Easter Egg became an iconic symbol of Easter in the West, though these were not yet the chocolate eggs we know and love today. For a long time, the eggs given would have been hard-boiled eggs that were painted or decorated in beautiful colours that added to the sense of occasion. Somehow along the way though, things got a little bit peculiar. In America, the Easter Bunny appeared around about the 18th century most likely arriving on those shores with German immigrants. The Easter Bunny would go to children’s homes and either leave eggs behind or, rather mischievously, take the eggs that were already in the house and hide them so the children would have to hunt them down on Easter Sunday. The original Easter Bunny often had the same clipboard as Santa Claus, with two columns defining whether the children had been “naughty or nice”. However, that seems to be less the case now, and he just shows up with armfuls of eggs before dashing off to the next house. And if you think he sounds strange, well, the French would like to have a word with you. The Easter Bunny doesn’t travel much to France, except for a small part on the northeastern border, close to Germany. Instead, the French have flying bells. To be honest, we were afraid to look into the origins of this one, but can tell you that on the Thursday before Easter Sunday, all the church bells in France go silent and will not ring again until Sunday. Well, they’re not really being “silent”, they’re probably making a huge racket as they fly, suitcase in hand, to Rome. It’s just that no one in France can hear them anymore. While “in Rome”, the Flying Bells go to the market, obviously, and load up on chocolate before making they way back to France. And as they do, they drop their chocolatey treats at the houses of children along their path. Deliveries made, the exhausted bells can curl up in their belfries ready to ring in Easter the next morning. And then when the children hear the bells ringing, they run outside to hint down the goodies that the Easter Bells have hidden for them. We don’t have flying bells or an Easter Bunny at Khéma. But we DO have an awful lot of utterly delicious, beautifully prepared Easter Eggs for you and your children to enjoy. Drop by to see the range, and find out whether you prefer the Bunny or the Bell.

Khmer New Year Highlights Connections Between East and West

One of Cambodia’s most eagerly awaited celebrations is coming up this month, with Khmer New year (Choul Chnam Thmei) that will run for three days from 14 to 16 April. The festivities begin on the first day, Moha Sangkran, with ritual cleaning of house and body, a washing away of the year just passed and freshening for the year to come. Thanks are given to the Buddha for what has been, and for blessings yet to come, and time is taken to connect with family, honour ancestors and enjoy traditional feasts, games and ceremonies. It also marks the end of one harvest season, as farmers and workers enjoy the fruits of their labour. But why does New Year’s Day take place now? The clue is in the name, and it also shows us how Eastern and Western traditions are not so far apart as some might think. Sangkran is a derivative of the Sanskrit word Sankranti which refers to the migration of the sun from one zodiac to another in Indian astronomy. Within India, Nepal and elsewhere in South and Southeast Asia, it is a harvest festival that marks the end of winter solstice and the beginning of the sun’s journey northwards, bringing longer days and warmer weather. As here, Sangkranti is a time for joy and celebration among families, with gifts, games and traditional rituals. That means that the beginning of each month in the Hindu calendar is Sankranti, but not all are celebrated in the same way and Mesha Sankranti (from which Moha Sangkran is derived) is one of the most important, marking the beginning of the New Year as the sun moves into Aries, which generally falls on 14 or 15 April, and is the first day of the solar cycle year. Anyone who follows Western astrology now knows why Aries is always listed first. In the west, we follow a tropical calendar based on the seasons, which is why our New Year falls on January 1, though that is a relatively recent phenomenon for which we can thank the Romans. Until 700BCE, our New Year was celebrated in March, in line with the spring equinox. But if you examine contemporary Western language used to describe this period of the sun moving into Aries, you’ll find it has a great deal in common with Cambodian beliefs about this time of year. It is a time of energy, renewal, change and transformation, a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. It is also about sheep! Aries is signified by the ram, or male sheep. So you see, we’re not so different after all.

How to register your restaurant in just 8 days

A new guide from the Cambodia Restaurant Association shines a much-needed light into the maze of rules and regulations you need to be aware if your restaurant is to be compliant. The Cambodia Restaurant Association has published a 150-page guidebook on setting up a restaurant business in Cambodia that is compliant with all laws and regulations, in just eight days. Titled “Create Your Restaurant Enterprise in 8 Days”, the guide offers a comprehensive map through the entire regulatory terrain of business licensing, registration and overall compliance concerning restaurant businesses in Cambodia. As such, it is an invaluable resource not just for those who are looking to set up a new business, but also for those who have established businesses but are confused by the current legal landscape. The guide, which is available in English and Khmer, covers everything from registration, e-commerce compliance, taxation, employment, health and safety, licensing, fire safety, domain name registration, environmental protection and then Endowment Fund, and finally handicraft permits. The comprehensive guide has broken down legal obligations according to the government department overseeing different aspects of running a business, and then goes into detail about the nature of those obligations, and how to comply with them. Flowcharts offer a visual representation of the processes, including the decisions that need to be made along the way, which helps enormously in seeing the proper way forward, and also to envisioning the end in sight! The Cambodia Restaurant Association is a non-profit business association created in order to support the restaurant industry in Cambodia and to give a voice to their collective needs and concerns for the benefit of all. We think this will be an essential guide for anyone and everyone in the business, and urge you to pick

Spotlight: Khantei Sok, Your GM at Khéma La Poste

She’s a familiar face to many of you, and she has a great story to tell. [Adapted from an article in Cambodge Mag:éussir International Women’s Day gave us on an opportunity to shine a spotlight on the hundreds of women who all play essential roles within Thalias Hospitality Group and what it has become today. One of those, Khantei Sok, sat down with the editor of Cambodge Mag to talk about her own evolution. Born in Phnom Penh, Khantei grew up in a disruptive environment that did not encourage dreaming about one’s future, much less that she might one day become an Alumni Ambassador for Pour un Sourire d’Enfant, the NGO that gave her a head-start in life. But she did know that she had to commit to whatever she was doing, especially in her professional life. “When I was younger and studying, I didn’t really have any particular desire for my future, I just knew that I had to work hard, learn English and then get by,” she said. The hard work paid off. With brilliant results in hand, she was offered a place as a trainer for PSE’s training restaurants, Lotus Blanc, of which there were two at the time. There she taught the elements and techniques of catering for almost five years and then, in 2016, an irresistible opportunity to travel to Toulouse, France, for a training trip arose. “I really enjoyed the experience. I learned some French, maybe not enough to carry on a conversation, but enough to understand and respond to French-speaking clients during my work,” she said. Her experiences so far meant she knew she wanted to pursue a career in hospitality, and within that, to work for a large group. Topaz was her first choice. “I knew the Topaz restaurant and I wanted to work there. Alain Darc [Topaz’s consultant-chef] was a technical advisor at PSE and in 2017 he gave me the opportunity to join the team”. But after completing her training at Topaz and Khéma Pasteur, Khantei’s hard work and dedication meant she was ready for a challenge. “Today, I am the general manager of Khéma La Poste and I work directly with Lina Hak, our operations manager for the brand,” she said. Such responsibility is not always easy. Khantei is aware of the constraints of the restaurant business, but stresses that she has also learned the good things about it. “I like my job because I simply love this business. I love the contact with people, I love gastronomy, I’m quite a fan of French food and wine personally. “My favourite French dish would probably be coq au vin. I also like charcuterie a lot. At the beginning it was not spontaneous, I had to learn to taste this very European food”, she added. As for the constraints, she takes them with a smile, aware that she works in a profession where she has to adapt to the clientele and the number of people in the establishment. “I have hours that have to be adjusted to the restaurant’s activity. We have many customers, especially at the weekend, and I have to be available. That’s all there is to it.” In the mornings, she assists her team to ensure that everything is in place and smoothly running for breakfast, and then again for lunch and dinner. She runs a daily meeting to discuss the previous day’s operations, to look at what went well and what can be improved. In total, 48 employees work for this establishment. We asked if she thinks she’s a little young to be leading a team that includes long-time employees and older people? Not really, she says with a smile. “It’s true that I’m young to lead a big team, but there’s a very good spirit between us and it’s going pretty well,” she said. Finally, when asked about her future plans, Khantei answers unambiguously that she wants to continue her career with the Thalias group, a company that continues to grow and for which she says she is proud to work. With Covid-19, there has been a sharp drop in restaurant business and Khéma has not escaped the trend. Kanthei explained, “At first we saw a big drop in patronage due to fear of the virus. Then we put in place the safety measures that everyone now knows: temperature checks at the entrance, hand disinfection, table spacing. “And these precautions apply to customers as well as to restaurant employees and delivery staff. In the middle of May 2020, customers started to return. Even if the number of customers did not reach the level of the good old days, the restaurant was back to a very regular business. We have a lot of promotional products such as free-flow, which work very well. We communicate a lot about our promotions and this also encourages regulars to come back,” she said, adding that it helps that Khéma’s pastries and bread have the reputation of being the best in the capital. Outside of work, Khantei says she spends time with her mother, with whom she still lives, and also regularly visits her father, who lives in the provinces. In her spare time, she admits to having a soft spot for the music of Sinn Sisamouth, the Cambodian crooner of the 60s and 70s, and to enjoying watching local comedies. Travel? She has been lucky enough to travel to Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, but mainly for business trips. “I love to travel, I had the opportunity to visit Paris and I found the city wonderful. On the other hand, I can’t see myself living anywhere else but in my native country,” concluded the young woman.

Book Review: The Rural Cuisine of Angkor by Ang Choulean

[Adapted from an article in Cambodge Mag:] The esteemed Cambodian scholar Ang Choulean’s near 300-page essay on the culinary habits and diets of people during the Angkor era can be found at the Center for Khmer Studies in Siem Reap. Available for lending in French and Khmer, it is the result of nearly two decades of research on the era and the region, especially the Roluos area, and an inspiring resource for those interested in Cambodia’s culinary history. His findings demonstrate the historical continuity of Cambodian cuisine since ancient times, and the definitive rural and vegetal character of the Cambodian diet. He also records how the apparent simplicity of village food accurately responded, and still responds, to nutritional and gustatory needs of the moment. Far from being a collection of recipes, or following a “structuralist” approach to Cambodian agrarian society, the essay deals with “culinary situations”: the when, where, how, by whom and for what purpose cooked food was and is prepared in the context of the villages near Angkor Wat. Choulean’s research encompasses fishing and hunting techniques, agricultural skills, the time and place of meals, cooking methods, the use of spices — quite limited, although Cambodian pepper is praised worldwide — and special occasions, as well as linguistic and historical considerations. Of particular interest is the author’s reflection on the (surprisingly for many scholars) limited, if any, influence of Indian cuisine on the diet and tastes of rural Cambodia, while the ‘taste of Chinese food’ was integrated into festive meals as a symbol of material wealth and prosperity. At the heart of the rural diet is somla (stew), which the author presents in two main categories, somla mchou (‘sour stew’) and somla prohoc (the word prohoc here defining the ‘stimulating’ taste imparted by herbs and leaves, not to be confused with prahok, the famous fermented fish preparation). As for cooking techniques, the author defines, for example, chha kdao, literally “stir-fried hot”, fried in hot cooking liquid, and p-krek, a term imitating the dry sound of ingredients just heated in a pan without liquid or fat, “dry-cooked”, a technique used for ants, among other things. The symbolism of ingredients is also explored in depth. For example, the author notes that lemongrass, although widely used, is rarely retained in the final presentation of the dish, as villagers believed that the ageing tufts of the aromatic herb may be inhabited by evil spirits. Ang Choulean is an anthropologist, Professor of Historical Anthropology at the Royal University of Fine Arts and former Director of the Department of Culture at APSARA. He was the second Cambodian national to receive the Fukuoka Grand Prize in 2011.

How to be a First-Class Employer

Being the best employer you can be is more than an exercise in feeling good. It’s a key element in attracting the best talents and putting dynamite into your sales figures… The Cambodia Restaurant Association was created to develop, improve and bring innovation to Cambodia’s restaurant industry. A large part of that mission lies in education, whether it be updates on government regulations, help navigating financial and tax rules, or guidance on IT, marketing, or supply chain management. Last month, it was time for the teams who deal with Human Resources to step up to the podium as they delivered a workshop on what it means to be a first class employer, and how to achieve it. The workshop was chaired by Thalias’ own HR Director, Mr. Yok Settha, who led a panel made up of consultants, industry members and training institutes. They addressed why it pays to be a first-class employer, the different elements involved, the legal framework and exactly what employees are looking for today in their relationship with their employer and employment (spoiler alert: a pay cheque is only part of the equation, and often not even the priority). Indeed, since COVID, many employees are now more concerned about achieving a better work-life balance and flexible working arrangements*. One of the speakers was Julie Thai from b.Consulting Cambodia, a Phnom Penh-based consultancy for hospitality providers across Cambodia. Julie has more than 20 years of running successful restaurants at every level behind her, and one of her main focuses today is on training staff to improve quality service and production, reduce staff turnover and maximise productivity. We asked her a couple of questions after the workshop to offer some additional guidance on the practicalities around becoming a First-Class Employer. In particular, we wondered how an employer can go about defining a budget for investing into their employees’ skills. Acknowledging that the hospitality industry can sometimes fall behind other sectors in terms of their investment in staff training, Julie pointed out that skills development costs are a strategic move for any company, similar to a marketing budget. She noted though that expenses related to training budget should always be justified by answers to simple questions such as “how much will it cost, why should I spend this amount, how am I going to spend it, what will be the benefit for my company and my clients?”. In terms of how to achieve that, she suggests setting aside a small percentage, say 1-2%, of the annual HR budget for development and implementation of a staff training programme. She added, “As it may have an impact on profit, business owners have to identify their training priorities. Some for instance will target customer service to develop their sales and revenue, other will choose to allocate training costs on leading abilities for the middle management to increase employee retention rate”. But there are plenty of impactful steps any employer who wants to be a good employer can take even before they commit to a budget and programme. And this is not just to the benefit of employees, but of the employer too. Julie suggests, “determining the right tasks and feasible goals, appointing the right person to it, giving enough time to complete the job, offering support whenever employees encounter professional or personal issues are clearly the basics. As an employer, the very first thing for business owners to ask themselves is whether they provide a good environment workplace and all tools for their team to succeed in their job. For example, doing an annual interview with each employee is a good moment to review their job description, listen to their input and difficulties and set the path for the following year”. Of course, not every company can approach this issue from the same perspective. In particular, differences in size, from small companies right up to global brands, will of course have differences in their Human Resources structures and resources. But SMEs can still create attractive salary offers, perhaps with profit shares or other incentives. And of course, they have one advantage larger companies simply can’t afford, which is that due to their size, they’re able to offer a more personal style of leadership, while being more responsive and easier to reach out to. In addition to Julie and Settha, this panel was delivered by H.E. Chhay Khunlong, Director General of the Vocational School of Tourism, Thai Chharat, the Vice-Dean of the Hospitality Faculty, and Pat Dany, the Human Resources Manager for the Dara Group of hotels. To find out more about future Cambodia Restaurant Association panels and workshops, which are open to members and non-members, or to look into the benefits of membership, check out their website here: For more information, have a look on the Linkedin Report in the following link: LinkedIn 2022 Workplace Learning Report

A New Opening, and we’re hiring!

A shimmering new restaurant in the sky is looking for a great new team ready to soar.\ Speaking of recruitment, the big day for the opening of a brand new Italian style steakhouse is ever closer, and that means we’re looking to hire a fresh, dynamic and committed new team to join the Thalias fold. Siena promises to be a bold, lively venue with a great menu, great atmosphere and great views across the whole of Phnom Penh city. We’re looking for a team that reflects that setting, as well as Thalias’ team values of kindness, curiosity, optimism, self-awareness, ethics, and compassion. What does all that mean? Well, it means that we hire character not experience. Even if you’ve never set foot at work on a restaurant floor before, we can teach you the technicalities. What’s most important to us is the person you are, how you treat your colleagues and customers and, above all, your willingness to learn. The Siena team is looking to recruit at all levels, for management and team members, including a Restaurant Manager, Restaurant Captains, Chef de Partie, Sous Chef, Bartenders, Waiters, Dishwashers and more. So if you think you have the Thalias spark, check out the email below and send us your CV together with a brief cover letter explaining which position you’re applying for and why. And in light of our previous article on How to be a First Class Employer, we can say that Thalias offers more than just good salaries and working conditions. Thalias offers a way up, and will support anyone with the ambition and the talent to excel at what they do. We will invest in your training and development as much as you invest in your job. If that sounds like a fair deal, then write to us now at:, or send a message through Telegram to: 016 579 555 or 106 847 888. We look forward to hearing from you. Siena Italian Steakhouse