Thalias Hospitality

Cambodia Restaurant Association — Amplifying Industry Strength

It’s a basic fact of life that strength comes through numbers. Which is why the Cambodia Restaurant Association (CRA) is so important for advancing the interests of everyone invested in the Kingdom’s relentlessly dynamic hospitality industry, whether they are in it financially, professionally, or both.

The CRA was created 12 years ago with the aim of developing Cambodia’s restaurant industry for the benefit of all. That means ensuring that all Association members have the capacity to grow and achieve their full potential because when they do, they raise everyone’s standards, reputations, and appeal to audiences both at home and abroad. But capacity is a bigger word than it looks. It encompasses everything from knowledge and information, skills, financing, personnel, proper administrative structures and awareness, access to markets, and a voice among those with the power to make significant change.

Championing members’ existing capacities creates a mutually reinforcing paradigm so that they can become stronger and more profitable, their employees can develop their skills and potential, and the industry as a whole can stand proud on the world stage.

The Association liaises with government to ensure that members receive the information they need to keep their business buoyant, for example seminars and workshops on taxation, but also through dedicated lawyers, accountants and advisors who are on hand to provide essential support and guidance when it’s really needed, for example disputes with employees or landlords. The Association also provides a valuable lobbying voice to ensure that the government is hearing their issues and concerns in day-to-day business management. And it’s also just a great opportunity to meet like-minded souls from the industry.

Last month, Thalias Hospitality Group’s Human Resources Director, Settha Yok, moderated a panel of industry leaders in Cambodia on how to recruit and retain the best talents in the industry. These events offer invaluable insights on bring your business up to its best, and are also a great opportunity to get to know the Association and its members. They are often open to members and non-members alike, so take a moment to check out their Facebook page, or sign up to their newsletter if you’d like to stay informed of what’s coming up. See their Facebook page here:

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