Thalias Hospitality

Discovering the Art of Omakase and French Tasting Menus

As a restaurateur deeply passionate about the culinary arts, I’ve always been fascinated by the nuances that different cultures bring to the dining table. Recently, I found myself reflecting on two distinct yet surprisingly similar dining experiences: the Japanese omakase and the French tasting menu, or “menu dégustation.” Both of these offer a journey through flavor, artistry, and chef expertise, but each does so in a way that is uniquely tied to its cultural roots. The Allure of Omakase My first encounter with omakase was at a restaurant called Tsumamigui in Tokyo. The chef, a master of his craft, stood behind a clear wooden counter with a serene demeanor, wielding his knife with the precision of a seasoned artist. As I sat down, he greeted me with a warm smile and the words, “Omakase shimasu,” essentially asking me to trust him to curate my meal. The experience was a revelation. Each piece of sushi was a masterpiece, meticulously prepared with the freshest ingredients. The delicate flavors of the fish, enhanced by perfectly seasoned rice, were a testament to the chef’s dedication to his craft. I remember the buttery texture of the otoro, the intense umami of the uni, and the subtle sweetness of the ebi. The meal was not just about eating; it was about savoring the moment, appreciating the skill and tradition behind each bite. The Elegance of the French Tasting Menu Contrast this with my experience at Epicure in Paris, where I indulged in a menu dégustation. The evening began with: Potimarron « Sous un air de tartufon, gelée aux noisettes du Piémont, graines de courge rôties et râpé de truffe blanche. » a dish that captures the essence of autumn. The subtle sweetness of the pumpkin, paired with the earthy richness of truffle and the crunch of roasted pumpkin seeds, creates a harmonious blend of flavors. The hazelnut jelly adds a delightful complexity, making this dish a perfect introduction to our menu. Followed the Caviar de Sologne Mousseline de pomme de terre ratte fumée au haddock, croustillants de sarrasin créme aigrelette. This dish showcases the luxurious taste of caviar, paired with a smooth potato mousseline infused with the smoky aroma of haddock. The buckwheat crisps add a delightful crunch, complemented by the tangy cream, creating a perfect balance of textures and flavors. Then, the Noix de Coquilles Saint-Jacques Cuites au beurre de truffe noire et boutons de guêtre, bouillon de champignons infusé à la mousse végétale. These scallops are seared to perfection, bathed in a black truffle butter that enhances their natural sweetness. Accompanied by tender sea beans and a rich mushroom broth infused with vegetal mousse, this dish is a celebration of umami. The fish was a Turbot Sauvage Cuit meunière au poivre de Kampot, salsifis et châtaignes à peine crémées, jus des arêtes caramélisées. The wild turbot is a standout, cooked meunière style with Kampot pepper, lending a gentle heat that complements the delicate fish. Creamed salsify and chestnuts add a touch of earthiness, while the caramelized fish bone jus provides depth and richness. The main course : Dos de Chevreuil Doré au sautoir, poudré aux agrumes, sauce Grand Veneur, betterave cuite au jus de myrtilles et éclats de noix. This venison dish is a true delight, sautéed to perfection and dusted with citrus, creating a vibrant flavor profile. The Grand Veneur sauce adds a rich, gamey depth, balanced by the sweetness of beetroot cooked in blueberry juice and the crunch of walnut pieces. The cheese course: Saint-Nectaire Fermier Le cœur en espuma, la croûte fleurie en crumble. This cheese course features the heart of Saint-Nectaire in a light espuma, with the rind transformed into a delicate crumble. This innovative take on a classic French cheese is both familiar and surprising, offering a unique texture and flavor experience. The pre-dessert : Champagne Rose Aux pétales de rose, pamplemousse, meringue à la violette. This refreshing pre-dessert cleanses the palate with the delicate flavors of rose petals, grapefruit, and violet meringue. It’s a light, floral interlude that prepares you for the final course. Finally, the Délice de l’An Neuf We concluded with the Délice de l’An Neuf, a decadent dessert that perfectly encapsulates the celebration of the new year. Rich, indulgent, and beautifully presented, it’s a sweet note to end the meal on. Reflections and Personal Insights Both omakase and the French tasting menu share a common thread: they are intimate, chef-driven experiences that highlight the best of what the cuisine has to offer. Yet, they do so in ways that reflect their cultural origins. Omakase is often a more interactive experience, with the chef preparing dishes in front of you, explaining the ingredients and techniques as you go. It’s a conversation, a dance between chef and diner that’s both personal and engaging. On the other hand, a French tasting menu is usually more formal, a carefully choreographed performance where each course is designed to lead into the next. The progression of flavors is deliberate, and the presentation is often more elaborate, with a focus on the visual appeal of each dish. As I reflect on these experiences, I realize how they have influenced my approach at Topaz. I strive to bring the same level of passion and artistry to our French cuisine, creating menus that not only highlight the best ingredients but also tell a story. Our new Bouillabaisse de Koh Rong, for instance, is a nod to traditional French bouillabaisse, but with a local twist using fresh Cambodian fish and spices. It’s a dish that represents the fusion of cultures, much like my experiences with omakase and tasting menus. Conclusion In the end, whether you’re savoring a piece of expertly prepared sushi or indulging in a multi-course French feast, what truly matters is the experience. It’s about trusting the chef, embracing the journey, and appreciating the artistry that goes into each dish. I invite you to explore these culinary worlds, to experience the magic of omakase and the elegance of the tasting menu, and to discover … Read more

Enhancing Phnom Penh’s Economic Landscape: The Case for a Convention Center

By Arnaud Darc Cambodia has seen robust economic growth and significant poverty reduction since the since the beginning of 2010. However, the COVID-19 pandemic temporarily slowed this progress. Despite the challenges, Cambodia managed to reduce its poverty rate significantly and saw a consumption growth among the poorest 40% of households. To sustain and enhance this growth, particularly in the tourism sector, the construction of a convention center in Phnom Penh presents a promising solution. This paper explores the potential benefits, key considerations, and a proposed Public-Private Partnership (PPP) structure for the project. Introduction Cambodia’s economic growth has been commendable, but it faces challenges such as a lack of diversification, modest human capital development, and environmental sustainability issues. The tourism sector, a critical component of Cambodia’s economy, can significantly benefit from strategic infrastructure projects. Building a convention center in Phnom Penh could serve as a catalyst for economic diversification, job creation, and enhanced global competitiveness. Potential Benefits Boosting Business Tourism A convention center can attract international conferences, exhibitions, and business events, bringing in business travelers and increasing tourism revenues. Establishing Phnom Penh as a regional hub for business tourism diversifies the tourism market beyond leisure tourism. Economic Impact Increased visitor spending on accommodation, dining, transportation, and entertainment can stimulate the local economy. The construction and operation of the center can create jobs and boost local businesses. Infrastructure Development The project can drive the development of supporting infrastructure such as hotels, restaurants, and transport facilities, improving overall city infrastructure. Enhanced urban infrastructure benefits both residents and tourists, contributing to the city’s livability and attractiveness. Cultural and Knowledge Exchange Hosting international events promotes cultural exchange and knowledge sharing, benefiting local professionals and academics. It positions Phnom Penh as a city of global significance, fostering international collaborations and partnerships. Key Considerations Feasibility and Planning Conduct a thorough feasibility study to assess demand, potential economic impact, and site selection. Ensure that the convention center’s design and facilities meet international standards to attract global events. Sustainability Implement sustainable building practices and technologies to minimize environmental impact. Develop a plan to manage increased traffic, waste, and energy consumption associated with large events. Marketing and Promotion Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to promote Phnom Penh as a prime destination for conventions and business events. Collaborate with international event organizers and tourism boards to attract high-profile events. Public-Private Partnerships Engage in public-private partnerships to share investment costs and risks, leveraging private sector expertise and resources. Ensure transparent and efficient management of the convention center to maximize its benefits. Integration with Local Economy Ensure that local businesses and communities benefit from the convention center’s operations. Develop programs to involve local suppliers and service providers in the convention center’s value chain. Proposed PPP Structure Given Cambodia’s low government debt-to-GDP ratio and the high debt ratio of the private sector, it is crucial to structure the PPP to leverage the government’s financial capacity while minimizing the private sector’s resource costs. Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Model Government Role Provide initial funding for land acquisition and basic infrastructure. Offer sovereign guarantees or low-interest loans to reduce financing costs. Ensure a streamlined regulatory process to facilitate swift project execution. Private Sector Role Design, construct, and operate the convention center for a defined concession period (e.g., 20-30 years). Invest in the construction and management of the facility, leveraging private expertise. Collect and manage revenue from operations, with a portion shared with the government. Government Incentives Provide tax breaks or subsidies during the initial years of operation to improve project feasibility. Offer lease agreements for the land at favorable terms to reduce upfront costs. Revenue-Sharing Agreement Establish a clear revenue-sharing mechanism that ensures both parties benefit proportionately from the project’s success. Define performance metrics and incentives to ensure high operational standards and financial performance. Blended Financing Approach Utilize a mix of public funds, concessional loans (from international development agencies or financial institutions), and private investment. Explore grants or soft loans from international organizations to reduce the overall cost of capital. Management and Oversight Set up a joint management committee with representatives from both the public and private sectors to oversee the project. Ensure regular audits and performance reviews to maintain transparency and accountability. Implementation Steps Feasibility Study Conduct a comprehensive feasibility study to assess the project’s financial, economic, and social viability. Engage with potential private sector partners early to gauge interest and gather input. PPP Agreement Draft a detailed PPP agreement outlining the roles, responsibilities, risk-sharing, and revenue-sharing arrangements. Ensure legal and regulatory frameworks are in place to support the PPP structure. Stakeholder Engagement Involve key stakeholders, including local communities, businesses, and potential users of the convention center, to build support and ensure the project meets market needs. Monitoring and Evaluation Establish robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to track project progress, financial performance, and social impact. Adjust strategies as necessary based on performance data and feedback. Conclusion The construction of a convention center in Phnom Penh holds significant potential to boost the city’s tourism sector, diversify its economy, and enhance its global profile. By leveraging the government’s financial strength and the private sector’s operational expertise, this PPP structure aims to create a successful and sustainable convention center project that benefits Phnom Penh’s economy and tourism sector. This comprehensive approach not only positions Phnom Penh as a prime destination for international business events but also ensures the sustainable development of the city’s infrastructure and economy. It is a strategic move that aligns with Cambodia’s long-term goals of economic diversification and inclusive growth.

The Resilient Bounce Back: Analyzing Cambodia’s Tourism Recovery (2019-2024)

By Arnaud Darc The COVID-19 pandemic severely impacted global tourism, and Cambodia was no exception. However, the data from 2019 to 2023 highlights a significant recovery trend, especially in air arrivals. This analysis underscores the resilience of Cambodia’s tourism sector and provides insights into the recovery process and ongoing challenges. Introduction Did you know that Cambodia saw a drastic 82% drop in air arrivals from 2019 to 2022? The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted global travel, hitting the tourism industry hard. However, recent data shows a promising recovery. This article delves into the rebound of Cambodia’s tourism sector from 2019 to the first quarter of 2024, highlighting key insights and offering recommendations for continued growth. International Arrivals Overview 2019: Total international arrivals: 6,610,592 Arrivals by air: 4,403,995 2022: Total international arrivals: 2,276,626 Arrivals by air: 791,603 2023: Total international arrivals: 5,453,231 Arrivals by air: 1,866,231 2024 (Q1): Total international arrivals: 1,582,677 Arrivals by air: 641,713 Arrivals by Air Comparison 2019 to 2022: Total air arrivals dropped from 4,403,995 in 2019 to 791,603 in 2022, marking an 82% decrease. 2019 to 2023: Total air arrivals increased to 1,866,231 in 2023 from 791,603 in 2022, a 135.8% increase but still 57.6% below 2019 levels. 2019 to 2024 (Q1): Q1 air arrivals in 2024 were 641,713, reflecting a continued upward trend compared to previous years but still below pre-pandemic levels. Key Insights 1. Impact of COVID-19 The data clearly reflects the severe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Cambodia’s tourism sector. The drastic drop in arrivals during 2020 and 2021 highlights the global travel restrictions and reduced consumer confidence. By 2022, there was some recovery, but the levels were still significantly lower than pre-pandemic figures. 2. Recovery in 2023 The substantial increase in 2023 suggests a strong recovery, with air arrivals more than doubling compared to 2022. However, despite this positive trend, the figures remain below pre-pandemic levels, indicating that the sector is still in a recovery phase. 3. Performance of Major Airports Phnom Penh International Airport: Saw a significant increase from 609,667 arrivals in 2022 to 1,365,735 in 2023. Siem Reap International Airport: Experienced growth from 165,180 arrivals in 2022 to 484,742 in 2023, indicating a stronger recovery in the tourism sector. Sihanouk International Airport: Showed more modest gains, reflecting ongoing challenges in attracting tourists. 4. Q1 2024 Trend Phnom Penh International Airport: Arrivals increased from 339,291 in 2023 Q1 to 431,264 in 2024 Q1. Siem Reap Angkor International Airport: Arrivals increased from 138,046 in 2023 Q1 to 206,788 in 2024 Q1. Sihanouk International Airport: Arrivals slightly decreased from 4,245 in 2023 Q1 to 3,661 in 2024 Q1. Conclusion The data underscores the resilience of Cambodia’s tourism sector, rebounding strongly in 2023 and continuing to grow into the first quarter of 2024. However, the gap between the pre-pandemic year (2019) and the latest year (2024) highlights that the sector is still in recovery mode, with ongoing efforts needed to reach and surpass previous peaks. The significant increase in air arrivals in 2023 and Q1 2024 is a positive sign, indicating renewed interest and confidence in traveling to Cambodia. The Cambodian government’s proactive measures, such as implementing rigorous health protocols and launching marketing campaigns, have played a crucial role in reviving tourist confidence. Moving forward, continued focus on enhancing safety, promoting the country’s attractions, and supporting the tourism infrastructure will be essential to achieving full recovery and sustained growth in Cambodia’s tourism sector. Analyzing Tourist Arrivals and Angkor Ticket Sales from 2019 to May 2024 The provided report by the Authorities offers a detailed analysis of tourist arrivals and ticket sales for the Angkor complex from 2019 to May 2024. The data reveals significant changes in tourism patterns, highlighting the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent recovery period. Here are the key points and insights from the report: Tourist Arrivals Overview 2019 (Jan-May): Total international arrivals: 1,117,831 Angkor ticket sales: High volume (exact numbers not specified) 2024 (Jan-May): Total international arrivals: 472,258 Angkor ticket sales: Significant decrease compared to what is estimated in 2019 Key Insights 1. Impact of COVID-19 The data shows a dramatic decrease in tourist arrivals and Angkor ticket sales in 2020 and 2021, reflecting the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. By 2024, there is a noticeable recovery, but levels are still below pre-pandemic figures. 2. Recovery in 2024 There has been a substantial recovery in tourist arrivals and Angkor ticket sales in 2024 compared to 2022 and 2023, although the numbers remain significantly lower than in 2019. 3. Detailed Country Analysis (Jan-May 2024 vs. Jan-May 2019) USA: 49,255 arrivals in 2024 compared to 80,425 in 2019, a decrease of 38.76%. UK: 44,607 arrivals in 2024 compared to 60,073 in 2019, a decrease of 25.75%. France: 41,819 arrivals in 2024 compared to 52,303 in 2019, a decrease of 20.04%. South Korea: 40,666 arrivals in 2024 compared to 74,587 in 2019, a decrease of 45.48%. China: 33,293 arrivals in 2024 compared to 409,479 in 2019, a decrease of 91.87%. 4. Countries with Notable Changes Spain: Relatively stable with only a 3.74% decrease. India: Slight decrease of 8.22%. Indonesia: Notable increase of 5.09%. 5. Angkor Ticket Sales Overall, there has been a 58% decrease in Angkor ticket sales from January to May 2024 compared to the same period in 2019. Significant drops in ticket purchases by tourists from Thailand and Vietnam, with only 2% of Thai tourists and 4% of Vietnamese tourists buying tickets to Angkor in 2024 compared to 18% and 9%, respectively, in 2019. French tourists have the highest percentage of ticket purchases to Angkor at 91%. Important Points Overall Ticket Sales: As of May 2024, ticket sales to Angkor are down by 58% compared to the same period in 2019. Countries with Minimal Decline: Spain and India show less than a 10% decrease in Angkor ticket sales. Increase in Sales: Indonesia has seen a slight increase in ticket sales. Thai and Vietnamese Tourists: A significant decline in the percentage of these tourists purchasing Angkor tickets. French Tourists: … Read more

A Taste of Tradition: Kuy Teav Khor Kor at Malis Phnom Penh

There’s something profoundly comforting about a bowl of Kuy Teav Khor Kor, especially when enjoyed in the serene ambiance of Malis Phnom Penh. Nestled in the heart of the city, Malis offers a culinary journey that feels like a warm embrace from a beloved old friend. Today, I want to share a personal favorite: the Beef Stew Noodle Soup, or Kuy Teav Khor Kor. A Culinary Gem in the Heart of Phnom Penh Malis Phnom Penh is more than just a restaurant; it’s a celebration of Cambodian cuisine. Walking through its doors, you’re immediately greeted by the harmonious blend of contemporary elegance and traditional charm. The gentle hum of conversation, the clinking of glasses, and the soft strains of Khmer music set the stage for a dining experience that’s as memorable as the food itself.   The Dish That Speaks of Home Kuy Teav Khor Kor is a dish that evokes a sense of home and nostalgia. The first time I had it at Malis, I was transported back to simpler times. The rich aroma of slow-cooked beef, mingling with the fragrant spices, filled the air. It’s a scent that instantly makes you feel at ease, like a warm blanket on a chilly day. Bread, Not Noodles: My Preferred Twist While Kuy Teav Khor Kor is traditionally served with noodles, there’s an option that I find even more delightful: enjoying it with bread instead of noodles. This preference transforms the dish into something uniquely satisfying. There’s something incredibly rewarding about dipping a piece of crusty bread into the rich, flavorful broth. The bread, warm and slightly toasted, soaks up the stew, each bite bursting with the robust flavors of the beef and spices. This local twist adds a different texture and a new dimension to the eating experience. The crusty exterior of the bread contrasts beautifully with the tender beef and the smooth, hearty broth, making each bite a delightful combination of textures and flavors. A Feast for the Senses As I take my first bite, I’m struck by the depth of flavor. The beef, tender and succulent, melts in your mouth. There’s a subtle sweetness from the carrots and onions, balanced by the earthy notes of star anise and cinnamon. Every mouthful is a harmonious blend of textures and tastes – the crunch of fresh bean sprouts, the silky smoothness of the broth, and the satisfying chew of the bread. The garnishes add another layer of complexity. Fresh basil leaves, a squeeze of lime, and a dash of chili create a vibrant explosion of flavors that dance on the palate. It’s a dish that engages all the senses – the sight of the beautifully presented bowl, the smell of the fragrant broth, the sound of the bustling restaurant, the taste of perfectly balanced flavors, and the comforting warmth of the soup in your hands. Crafting the Perfect Kuy Teav Khor Kor Making Kuy Teav Khor Kor is an art that requires patience and a deep understanding of flavors. Here’s a glimpse into how this beloved dish is crafted at Malis: 1. The Broth: The heart of Kuy Teav Khor Kor is its rich and flavorful broth. It begins with beef bones, which are roasted to enhance their flavor before being simmered for hours with a blend of aromatic spices like star anise, cinnamon, cloves, and black cardamom. This slow cooking process extracts deep flavors and results in a broth that’s both robust and nuanced. 2. The Beef: Tender chunks of beef are browned to develop a rich flavor, then simmered in the broth until they’re melt-in-your-mouth tender. The beef absorbs the spices from the broth, creating a harmony of flavors in every bite. 3. Vegetables: Carrots, daikon radish, and onions are added to the stew, infusing it with their natural sweetness and adding depth to the broth. These vegetables also soak up the flavors of the spices, making them a delightful part of the dish. 4. Herbs and Spices: A blend of herbs and spices, including garlic, ginger, and shallots, are sautéed to release their flavors before being added to the broth. This mixture creates a fragrant base that elevates the overall taste of the soup. 5. Garnishes: Fresh herbs like basil and cilantro, bean sprouts, and lime wedges are essential for adding freshness and brightness to the dish. A dash of chili paste or fresh chilies can be added for those who enjoy a bit of heat. Reflections on a Culinary Journey Eating Kuy Teav Khor Kor at Malis is more than just a meal; it’s an experience that brings people together. It reminds me of breakfast with my father Alain Darc, where food is the centerpiece and every bite tells a story. It’s a dish that speaks of tradition and love, of time-honored recipes passed down through generations. In the heart of Phnom Penh, Malis stands as a beacon of Cambodian culinary heritage. Every visit feels like coming home, and every dish is a tribute to the rich tapestry of flavors that define our cuisine. If you ever find yourself in Phnom Penh, I highly recommend a visit to Malis. Sit down, take a moment to breathe in the fragrant aromas, and let the flavors of Kuy Teav Khor Kor transport you to a place of warmth and comfort. A Dish Worth Savoring Kuy Teav Khor Kor at Malis Phnom Penh is more than just food; it’s a journey through the heart and soul of Cambodian cuisine. It’s a reminder of the power of food to bring people together, to create memories, and to celebrate tradition. So next time you’re looking for a dish that’s both comforting and rich in flavor, look no further than this beef stew soup with a side of crusty bread. It’s a taste of home, a taste of tradition, and a taste that will stay with you long after the last bite.” “by Arnaud Darc” Engage with Us Subscribe to Thalias Newsletter: Enjoy exclusive offers, event invitations, and culinary insights. Subscribe Here Make … Read more

The Rich Tapestry of Khmer Cuisine

(By Arnaud Darc) Khmer cuisine, the heart and soul of Cambodia, is a culinary treasure trove that reflects the country’s rich history and cultural diversity. It’s a cuisine that resonates with flavors, textures, and aromas that tell stories of ancient traditions and modern innovations. As you explore the streets of Phnom Penh or the vibrant markets of Siem Reap, the essence of Khmer food invites you to indulge in a sensory journey unlike any other. A Glimpse into History Khmer cuisine dates back to the age of the Angkor Empire, around the 9th to 15th centuries. The royal chefs of Angkor Wat, the largest religious monument in the world, were known for their elaborate feasts that combined local ingredients with exotic spices brought in by traders. The influence of Indian, Chinese, and Thai cuisines is evident, yet Khmer food has managed to carve out its unique identity. One of my fondest memories is visiting the bustling Psar Chas (Old Market) in Siem Reap. The market, a cacophony of sounds and sights, offers a true taste of Cambodia. From the rich, aromatic curries to the crisp and tangy salads, every stall tells a story. I remember being captivated by the vendor preparing Amok, a traditional fish curry steamed in banana leaves. The creamy coconut milk combined with fragrant kroeung (a spice paste) was a revelation – a perfect harmony of flavors that danced on my palate. Characteristics and Singularities Khmer cuisine is characterized by its bold flavors and the use of fresh, local ingredients. Rice is a staple, often accompanied by an array of dishes that showcase the country’s agricultural bounty. Fish and seafood are prominent, thanks to the abundant waters of the Mekong River and Tonle Sap Lake. One of the defining features of Khmer food is the use of prahok, a fermented fish paste that adds a distinctive depth of flavor to many dishes. It might be an acquired taste for some, but once you get past the initial pungency, it opens up a world of umami richness. Unlike its Thai neighbor, which is known for its fiery heat, Khmer cuisine tends to be milder, focusing more on the balance of flavors. The sweetness from palm sugar, the sourness from tamarind and lime, the saltiness from fish sauce, and the bitterness from certain herbs create a complex but harmonious palate. Unique Dishes Among the many unique dishes, a few stand out as quintessentially Khmer: Amok Trey: This iconic dish is a must-try. The fish is marinated in kroeung and coconut milk, then steamed in banana leaves. The result is a delicate, custard-like consistency that melts in your mouth. Samlor Korko: Often referred to as the “stirring pot,” this hearty soup includes a mix of vegetables, meats, and kroeung. It’s a comforting dish that showcases the versatility of Khmer cooking. Bai Sach Chrouk: A popular breakfast dish, it features thinly sliced pork marinated in coconut milk and garlic, grilled to perfection and served with rice and pickled vegetables. Differentiation from Neighbors While Cambodian food shares similarities with its Southeast Asian neighbors, it stands out in several ways. Thai cuisine is known for its liberal use of chilies, while Vietnamese dishes often feature fresh herbs and clear broths. Khmer cuisine, on the other hand, focuses on creating depth and balance with fewer ingredients. A stroll through the night markets of Phnom Penh offers a culinary adventure that highlights these differences. You might find Lok Lak, a stir-fried beef dish served with a tangy lime and pepper dipping sauce, which reflects French colonial influences. Nearby, you can savor Nom Banh Chok, a beloved breakfast noodle dish with a green fish curry that is distinctly Khmer. Malis Restaurant: A Modern Tribute Malis Restaurant in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap plays a crucial role in preserving and innovating Khmer culinary traditions. Helmed by Chef Hong in Phnom Penh and Chef Chansokha in Siem Reap, Malis is dedicated to reviving lost recipes and celebrating the rich heritage of Cambodian cuisine, thanks to the inspirational efforts of Chef Luu Meng. Dining at Malis is an experience that engages all your senses. The ambiance, with its elegant decor and serene atmosphere, sets the stage for a memorable meal. Each dish is a work of art, meticulously crafted to honor tradition while embracing modern techniques. I recall a visit to Malis in Siem Reap, where  Chef Chansokha introduced me to a modern twist on the traditional Samlor Machu Kroeung, a sour soup made with tamarind and kroeung. The balance of flavors – sour, sweet, and spicy – was impeccable, and the presentation was simply stunning. A Culinary Journey Worth Taking Khmer cuisine is more than just food; it’s a journey through Cambodia’s history and culture. It’s a celebration of flavors, from the bustling markets of Phnom Penh to the refined elegance of Malis Restaurant. Each dish tells a story, each flavor a piece of the Cambodian heritage. At Malis, we are committed to preserving this legacy and inviting you to explore the rich tapestry of Khmer cuisine. Whether you’re a seasoned food lover or a curious traveler, the culinary delights of Cambodia are sure to leave a lasting impression. So next time you find yourself in Phnom Penh or Siem Reap, take a moment to savor the flavors of Khmer cuisine. Let the aromas, tastes, and textures transport you to a world where tradition meets innovation, and every meal is a celebration of Cambodia’s culinary heritage.

The Timeless Craft of Bread and Baking

Bread. It’s something most of us take for granted, yet it holds an incredible history, rich with tradition and innovation. From the simple flatbreads of our ancestors to the artisanal loaves of today, bread has been a staple in our lives, carrying with it stories, cultures, and memories. Let’s take a journey through the evolution of bread and discover the masters who have perfected this craft, while also highlighting how Khéma and Go Bakery continue this delicious tradition. A Slice of History Bread-making is an ancient art. Imagine the scene: thousands of years ago, a prehistoric family gathered around a fire, baking the first flatbreads with wild grains. These early bakers likely stumbled upon the magic of fermentation by accident. Fast forward to ancient Egypt, where someone left their dough out a little too long, only to find that the natural yeasts in the air had transformed it into a light, airy loaf. This discovery changed everything. Bread had leavened, and the possibilities were endless. The Medieval Bread Renaissance Jump ahead to the Middle Ages, and bread had firmly established itself as a dietary staple across Europe. Bakers began experimenting with different grains, and innovations in milling meant that flour production became more efficient. Picture bustling medieval towns with bakers’ guilds, each vying to produce the best bread. Rye and barley breads were common, and the aroma of freshly baked loaves wafted through the streets. Refined and Elegant: The Renaissance Period The Renaissance brought refinement to many arts, including baking. Bakers began to use more refined wheat flour, producing the white bread that became a status symbol among the elite. Imagine the elegant banquets where beautifully crafted loaves adorned the tables, each piece a testament to the baker’s skill and artistry. Industrial Changes and Modern Revival The Industrial Revolution brought about both progress and challenges for bread. Mass production made bread more accessible, but often at the cost of quality. Thankfully, artisanal bakers preserved traditional methods, ensuring the craft did not disappear. Today, we see a beautiful revival of artisanal bread-making, where quality and tradition are celebrated. Modern Masters of Bread Let’s talk about some modern bread legends. Lionel Poilâne, a name synonymous with Parisian bread, revolutionized the way we think about sourdough. His rustic, round loaves, baked in wood-fired ovens, are a sensory experience – the sight of the perfectly golden crust, the crackle as you slice into it, and the rich, tangy flavor that’s truly unforgettable. Then there’s Nancy Silverton, who introduced many Americans to the joys of artisanal bread through her La Brea Bakery in Los Angeles. Richard Bertinet, with his charming French accent and infectious enthusiasm, has taught countless people the joys of baking through his books and courses. His approach is both scientific and heartfelt, ensuring that every loaf is a masterpiece. Khéma and Go Bakery: Continuing the Tradition At Khéma and Go Bakery, we are proud to carry on the rich tradition of bread-making. Our bakers, inspired by legends like Poilâne, Silverton, and Bertinet, are dedicated to crafting bread that is both delicious and nourishing. We use the finest ingredients, sourced locally whenever possible, and employ time-honored techniques to ensure every loaf is perfect. Walking into Khéma early morning, the first thing you’ll notice is the intoxicating aroma of fresh bread baking. It’s warm, comforting, and inviting. Our shelves are lined with a variety of loaves – from the classic baguette with its crisp, golden crust to hearty whole grain breads packed with flavor and nutrients. Each bite tells a story of craftsmanship and care. At Go Bakery store, we believe in innovation without compromising on quality. Our bakers are constantly experimenting, bringing new and exciting flavors to our customers. Whether it’s a unique blend of spices or a new twist on a traditional recipe, we strive to keep our offerings fresh and exciting. Join Us on a Bread Adventure Bread is more than just food – it’s a connection to our past, a celebration of artistry, and a source of nourishment and joy. At Khéma and Go Bakery, we invite you to experience this tradition with us. Come in, smell the fresh bread, taste the love and care in every bite, and be a part of our story. Whether you’re enjoying a meal at Khéma or taking home a loaf from Go Bakery, you’re not just eating bread – you’re savoring a piece of history, crafted with passion and dedication. Join us in celebrating the timeless craft of bread and baking, and discover the difference that quality and tradition make.      

The Unsung Heroes of the Food and Beverage Industry: A Glimpse into Their Lives

Walking into any bustling restaurant, you’re immediately enveloped by a symphony of sensory delights. The sizzle of pans, the rich aroma of spices, the clinking of glasses, and the hum of conversations form a vibrant tapestry that defines the food and beverage (F&B) industry. At the heart of this orchestrated chaos are the workers who bring our dining experiences to life. But who are these individuals, and what does their average profile look like? In Phnom Penh, Cambodia, the F&B industry is a cornerstone of the local economy, drawing in both locals and tourists alike. The typical F&B worker here is a study in resilience and adaptability. Take Sopheak, our executive chef at Topaz, one of Thalias’ flagship restaurants. Back in the day when he was Sous-Chef, starting his day before dawn, Sopheak meticulously prepped his ingredients, his hands moving with the practiced precision of someone who has honed his craft over years. The kitchen, though hot and often chaotic, is where he feels most alive. “Every dish we send out is a piece of art,” he says with a smile, wiping sweat from his brow. The average age of an F&B worker in Phnom Penh is around 28 years old, often juggling responsibilities at home and work. Many, like Sopheak, start in entry-level positions, driven by a passion for food and a desire to build a better life. The industry offers a unique blend of hard work and creative expression. For Sopheak, the path to becoming a Chef wasn’t easy. Long hours, often extending well into the night, are a norm. Yet, the sense of camaraderie among the staff, the shared victories of a successful dinner service, and the joy of seeing satisfied customers make it all worthwhile. Then there’s Eden Gnean the General Manager at Topaz. With a background in hospitality management, she brings a different set of skills to the table. Her day is a whirlwind of activity, from overseeing staff and ensuring seamless operations to engaging with guests. “It’s all about creating an experience,” she reflects. Her eyes light up as she recalls a particularly challenging night when a sudden downpour threatened to ruin an outdoor event. “We had to think on our feet, move everything indoors, and still deliver the perfect service. It’s these moments that test and build our character.” One common thread among F&B workers is their ability to thrive under pressure. The kitchen can be a high-stress environment, where the relentless pace leaves little room for error. Yet, amidst the clamor and heat, there’s a rhythm, almost like a dance, that the staff follows. It’s a testament to their training and dedication. The smell of freshly baked bread, the sound of a sizzling steak, the sight of a perfectly plated dish – these are the sensory rewards that make the effort worthwhile. Despite the demanding nature of the job, many workers find a sense of pride and accomplishment. For Seyha, a sommelier at Topaz, it’s about the passion for wine and the joy of sharing that with guests. “When I see someone’s face light up after tasting a wine I’ve recommended, it’s incredibly fulfilling,” he says. His expertise and dedication are evident in the careful selection and pairing of wines, enhancing the dining experience for each guest. The F&B industry in Phnom Penh is a vibrant tapestry woven from the stories of individuals like Sopheak, Eden, and Seyha. Their commitment, creativity, and resilience are what keep the wheels turning, often behind the scenes. As we enjoy our meals, it’s worth taking a moment to appreciate these unsung heroes who make every dining experience memorable. In conclusion, the average F&B worker is much more than a statistic. They are passionate individuals, each with a unique story, driven by a love for their craft and a desire to deliver exceptional experiences. Their journey is one of dedication and hard work, and their contribution to the industry is invaluable. At Thalias, we are proud to celebrate and support these remarkable individuals who bring our vision to life, day in and day out.

La Chaîne des Rôtisseurs: Upholding Culinary Excellence and Tradition

Introduction The Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, a prestigious international gastronomic society, is dedicated to the promotion of fine dining and the preservation of culinary traditions. With a history dating back to 1248, it brings together professional chefs, restaurateurs, and food enthusiasts who share a passion for the culinary arts. Last night, the Baillage du Cambodge hosted a Gala Dinner at the exquisite Topaz restaurant, a testament to the society’s mission and values. The Mission and Values of La Chaîne des Rôtisseurs La Chaîne des Rôtisseurs is more than just a culinary organization; it is a fraternity of like-minded individuals who cherish the traditions of gastronomy and the art of good living. The society’s mission revolves around three core values: fraternity, excellence, and sharing. 1. Fraternity: La Chaîne fosters a sense of brotherhood among its members, creating a global network where friendships are formed over shared meals and culinary experiences. This camaraderie was palpable at the Topaz restaurant last night, as members and guests mingled, sharing stories and laughter, all bound by their mutual love for exceptional cuisine. 2. Excellence: The pursuit of excellence is at the heart of La Chaîne. This is reflected in the meticulous selection of ingredients, the precision of culinary techniques, and the artistry in presentation. The Gala Dinner at Topaz showcased this commitment, with each dish meticulously prepared to highlight the finest ingredients and culinary expertise. From the warm, creamy Tomme de Phnom Penh fondante à la truffe noire d’hiver to the harmonious blend of Gourmand Noisette dessert, every bite was a testament to the high standards upheld by La Chaîne. 3. Sharing: Sharing culinary knowledge and experiences is a cornerstone of La Chaîne. The society organizes numerous events, such as culinary competitions, wine tastings, and gala dinners, where members can exchange ideas and celebrate their passion for gastronomy. The Gala Dinner at Topaz was a perfect example of this, with each course paired thoughtfully with fine wines, such as the Domaine des Héritiers Louis Jadot and Baron Edmond de Rothschild Heritage, enhancing the overall dining experience. Le Baillage du Cambodge The Baillage du Cambodge, the Cambodian chapter of La Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, plays a vital role in promoting the society’s values within the local context. Established in the early 2000s, it has grown to become a vibrant community of culinary professionals and enthusiasts dedicated to celebrating and advancing the art of fine dining in Cambodia. A Personal Reflection As I entered Topaz restaurant last night, I was immediately struck by the elegance of the setting. The soft lighting, the beautifully arranged tables, and the warm ambiance set the stage for an unforgettable evening. The Gala Dinner was not just a meal; it was a journey through flavors and cultures, meticulously curated to celebrate the best of Cambodian and international cuisine. The highlight of the evening, for me, was the Filet de Wagyu Tajima rôti. The rich, buttery texture of the Wagyu, paired with the creamy Ratte potato purée and tender green asparagus, was a sensory delight. The red wine reduction infused with veal jus added depth to the flavors, making each bite a revelation. As I savored this dish, I couldn’t help but reflect on the dedication and passion that went into its creation, embodying the spirit of La Chaîne des Rôtisseurs. The Impact of the Gala Dinner The Gala Dinner at Topaz was more than just an evening of fine dining; it was a celebration of culinary artistry and the values that La Chaîne des Rôtisseurs holds dear. It was an opportunity for members to come together, to appreciate the skill and creativity of the chefs, and to reaffirm their commitment to the traditions of gastronomy. Conclusion In conclusion, the Gala Dinner hosted by the Baillage du Cambodge at Topaz restaurant was a resounding success, highlighting the mission and values of La Chaîne des Rôtisseurs. It was an evening filled with exceptional food, fine wines, and the warm camaraderie of fellow food enthusiasts. As we look forward to future events, the spirit of La Chaîne will continue to inspire and bring together those who share a passion for the culinary arts.