Thalias Hospitality

Celebrating Our Own – Arnaud Darc Recognized as One of Cambodia’s Top International Voices

🎉 A Toast to Excellence and Visionary Leadership in 2024! With immense pride, we announce that Arnaud Darc, our visionary CEO and Founder of Thalias, has been honored as one of the 𝟱𝟬 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝘃𝗼𝗶𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗯𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗮 by the prestigious Cambodian Leadership Review this year. Arnaud Darc’s journey is one of passion, dedication, and relentless pursuit of excellence. His contribution to the Cambodian hospitality industry through Thalias has not only set benchmarks for service quality but has also showcased the rich Cambodian heritage to the world. Under Arnaud’s leadership, Thalias has blossomed into a beacon of culinary delight and hospitality innovation, mirroring the very essence of Cambodia’s warm and welcoming spirit. His belief in sustainable practices and community development continues to inspire and drive positive change within the industry. We invite you to join us in congratulating Arnaud for this well-deserved recognition. Let’s continue to support and be inspired by his journey as he leads Thalias towards a future filled with growth, community impact, and global collaboration. 🌎✨ Stay tuned to our updates and join us in celebrating this outstanding achievement! For more details and to view the full list, visit Cambodian Leadership Review 👉🏼

How Did Arnaud Darc get to where he is today?

Arnaud Darc (left), Thalias CEO, at the signature of partnership with Meridian International Holding, 2021.

An entrepreneur, a leader, a cultivator of talent, and a lighthouse for industry: how did Thalias CEO Arnaud Darc get to where he is today? We took a time-out with him to dig into some of the things that have influenced him, and how he keeps going underneath his many hats… We sat down with Thalias CEO Arnaud Darc to ask him some questions about leadership, switching off and why the mistakes we make can become the bedrock of future success. How would you define your leadership style? I see my main role as being to identify and nurture the innate talents that people have so that they can evolve and grow into their greatest potential for the good of themselves and at the same time for the good of the company. That idea is core to how Thalias has grown the way that it has, and continues to grow even in the face of recent crises. And it is a pleasure for me to see team members becoming the best versions of who they are, and achieving things that go far beyond what they themselves might ever have imagined. What one piece of advice would you give your younger self? Invest in yourself, and not just professionally, but also into your health and emotional wellbeing. It’s the surest way of having a long-lasting and positive impact on the people you live and work with, so it pays a double return. Do you have any hobbies that help you in your work? In the last few years I discovered running. I started in order to keep fit, and it does do that, but I find that it also helps me to disconnect from the surface stresses of running a large business and supporting the industry. Funnily enough, while I’m running my mind is not consciously focused on problems and decisions that I need to face, it’s focused on the road ahead. But while doing that, I tend to come up with solutions and answers that I might not have otherwise. What do you do if you want to completely switch off? Funnily enough, when I want to completely switch off, I sleep. I think it’s one of the most underrated human activities, which is a shame because it’s also one of the most necessary and beneficial. And by sleeping, I mean quality sleep, lots of it, and I work towards achieving that all day. It starts with getting up early in the morning, and getting a sunshine and vitamin-D boost while running or walking my dog, and I continue throughout the day with things like avoiding caffeine late in the day. I couldn’t do what I do without this. How important is it for executives and leaders to switch off from time to time? Essential. If you don’t, you risk burning out. We’re not machines and, at the end of the day, nothing is more important than your health, physical and mental. Without that, nothing can get done. What book has helped you the most to do your job? I think that Danny Meyers’ book Setting the Table is essential reading for anyone in this business, though much of what he says can be applied in any industry because wisdom is wisdom. It doesn’t need a specific context. What book(s) do you consider to be essential reading for someone who wants to progress in hospitality leadership? Setting the Table without a shadow of a doubt, but a podcast I never miss out on is the Huberman Lab podcast ( They discuss science and science-based tools for everyday life and work, and it has had a tremendous impact on me over the last two years. I love that we can now listen and learn as we go about our day using audio books and podcasts, and it has enriched my life immeasurably, both at and outside of work. What are your thoughts on mentors and whether people on the way up the ladder should seek one out? Again, essential for anyone who wants to really grow not just in an industry, but in themselves. A mentor has been around the block a few times, they can recognise where the pitfalls are, and help to guide you through them or around them. While good business is built on relationships, networks and communication, it can also feel very isolating especially when you’re faced with problems that you might not have encountered before. Choosing a good mentor with whom you can be frank and honest, who will not make decisions for you but guide you towards making the right decisions yourself, can make an enormous difference to your success or failure. Choose wisely, ask politely, respond graciously to their advice, and never fail to acknowledge their role. What is the most valuable trait that you look for in your team leaders? A willingness to try, and to try to do their best. Sometimes it’s not about the things you already know how to do, but about the things you’re willing to do that you might not have done before that really show whether you’ve got what it takes to get to the next level. It takes courage, confidence and belief in the future, and these qualities are what make a leader, not how good one is at presentations etc. And we learn more from those times when we put ourselves on the line. We’re more alert, more present because we don’t always know what to expect. These are the things we learn and grow the most from. What was the most important lesson you learned from a mistake you’ve made in the past and how did you turn your thinking about the mistake around? Mistakes are an unavoidable part of life, and if you’re not making mistakes from time to time, then you’re probably not actually living. But while they can feel hard in the moment, they’re also the strongest steps on your climb of the hill towards success. If you want to … Read more

Thalias Signs Strategic Collaboration Deal with Amara Capital

“This is the first step of three that will propel Thalias to realise its vision of being recognised as the first choice for fine food lovers and hospitality in Cambodia,” said Thalias CEO Arnaud Darc after signing the agreement On 21 September Thalias Hospitality Group and Amara Capital announced the signing of a strategic growth investment deal between the two companies. The deal was the culmination of a long-term strategy by Thalias Group towards attracting inward investors in order to build upon our strengths and expand our activities both within and outside of Cambodia. “This is the first step of three that will propel Thalias to realise its vision of being recognised as the first choice for fine food lovers and hospitality in Cambodia,” said Thalias CEO Arnaud Darc after signing the agreement, adding, “I am confident this partnership will flourish with new opportunities for both our groups.” Amara Capital is a Cambodia-licensed fund management company run by entrepreneurs and investment specialists with extensive experience in the Kingdom. They offer small-to-medium-sized enterprises and real estate projects debt solutions and private equity investment geared towards strategic growth. Speaking after the deal was inked, Mr Darc added, “This investment, and the confidence it shows, is the fruit of our own long-standing investments in our company, the quality of our service and personnel and the integrity of our vision for the future, not just for Thalias, but also for our teams and, ultimately, of Cambodia. “Since its inception, Thalias has always been a forward-looking company. We believe in the future of Cambodia, and with that the future for our key sector: fine dining. We have always strived to set and attain the highest standards in creation, service and the growth of our company and the people that make it what it is. This deal represents recognition that we have succeeded in many of our goals, and provides the opportunity to expand those goals even further”. Amara and Thalias will also be collaborating on governance, business and finance strategies that will support the company as it moves forward. Thalias would like to thank Amara for their investment, as well as their confidence, knowledge and insights and we look forward to the development of this relationship in the years ahead.