Thalias Hospitality

Thalias Group To Win Energy Consumption Related Award

The Ministry of Environment is leading the way on showing companies how to save big, and help save the planet too…

On October 28, Thalias was delighted and honoured to step up to the podium to receive two awards at the Cambodian Energy Efficiency Competition organised by the Ministry of Environment, the Institute of Technology of Cambodia and Sevea Consulting with the support of the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance and Schneider Electric. This competition was created in order to encourage businesses and institutions to cut back on their energy usage, and to recognise the efforts of those that successfully do so.

The Competition takes place over a year in which participants monitor their monthly energy usage, and declare their monthly energy bills on the competition’s web platform. It’s the kind of action that helps to focus minds on the ways that energy is used, and often wasted, in the course of everyday activities. This means that even for those participants that did not take away a medal, they’ve still won something incredibly valuable.

The Competition began last year with 28 participating buildings, and it is hoped that this will grow over time as its reputation grows. It is in fact modelled on a successful French initiative, the CUBE Competition, created by the French Institute for Building Performance. So far, that competition has seen 670 participating buildings which have seen an average annual saving on usage, and therefore their bills, of 12%. One was able to make savings of 57.4%! Overall, the competition has already contributed to a saving of 7,658 tons of CO2.

Frantz Vaganay – Co-Founder of the ceremony

The Competition is also vital for raising awareness, not just in the media and public forums, but among the thousands of employees, globally hundreds of thousands, whose small daily modifications can have a tremendous impact.

Thalias’ teams worked and continue to work hard to reduce our own output across all our properties, and we are grateful their efforts have been recognised. We look forward to the competition “hotting up” as more businesses and institutions take part in the years to come.

The Cambodia Energy Efficiency Competition was created under the Ministry of Environment in partnership with EuroCham, EnergyLab, the Liger Leadership Academy and the IFPEB, and with the financial support of Schneider Electric and the National Council for Sustainable Development under the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance Innovation Grant Facility, and additional support from the European Union, the United Nation Development Program and Sweden.

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