Thalias Hospitality

Michelin-Star Dinner by Guy Lassausaie*

Topaz Restaurant Phnom Penh

PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT THE EVENT IS POSTPONED TO A LATER DATE ONCE THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IS OVER. Thank you for your understanding. Clear your calendar for (date TBC) as Michelin starred Chef Guy Lassausaie* is coming back for another spectacular celebration of fine food, fine wines and fine company with a show-stopping eight-course Dine with the Stars menu. Tickets for the evening are $125 net or $190 net including our specially selected wine pairing. Reservations are essential. Please call +855 (0)15 821 888 for a reservation Or book your table online with: ********* MENU ********* AMUSE BOUCHE Huître spéciale d'Isigny en gelée, crème de topinambour, lomo ibérique, confit de citron et mizuna Jellied Isigny oyster with Jerusalem artichoke cream, lomo iberico, candied lemon and mizuna - Hugel Gentil Alsace 2017 - PATIENCE Demoiselle du Mékong au piment d’Espelette, jus de carotte vanille et gingembre au fruit de la passion Mekong river prawn with Espelette pepper floating on a carrot, vanilla and ginger jus with passion fruit - Georges Dubœuf Pouilly-Fuissé 2014 - ENTRÉE Noix de Saint-Jacques au beurre noisette, morille jumbo farcie et asperge fraîche Brown butter scallops with stuffed jumbo morel and white asparagus - Georges Dubœuf Pouilly-Fuissé 2014 - LA MARÉE Filet de rouget en demi-deuil, épeautre de céleri et truffes, et bouillon de céleri à l’huile de noisette Truffled fillet of red mullet, celery and truffle spelt with celeriac broth drizzled with hazelnut oil - Château Maucoil, Trésor des Papes 2013 - PAUSE SURPRISE Granité de Beaujolais à l’infusion de tilleul Beaujolais granita with a lime tea infusion LA VOLAILLE Poitrine de pigeon rôti et crêpe de sarrasin, purée de pois chiches au sésame et cuisses confites, choux de Bruxelles farcis Roasted pigeon breast with buckwheat crepe, chickpea purée with sesame, confit of pigeon thighs and stuffed Brussels sprouts - Château d'Archambeau Graves 2017 - PRÉ-DESSERT Marmelade de pomme et clémentine, sorbet au cidre Apple and clementine marmalade with a cider sorbet - Domaine Labranche Laffont, Pacherenc du Vic-Bilh Doux 2017 - DESSERT Sablé pamplemousse rose, crémeux pomelos au basilic, confit et sorbet pamplemousse Pink grapefruit shortbread, pomelo cream, and grapefruit sorbet with candied grapefruit - Domaine Labranche Laffont, Pacherenc du Vic-Bilh Doux 2017
